Page 110 - Important Chinese Art Hong Kong Sotheby's April 2017
P. 110


PROPERTY FROM AN ASIAN COLLECTION                  清乾隆 青花穿蓮龍紋長頸膽瓶
BLUE AND WHITE ‘DRAGON’ VASE                       來源:
SEAL MARK AND PERIOD OF                            Christian Holmes 夫人(1871-1941年)收藏
QIANLONG                                           William H. Wolff, Inc.,紐約,1966年1月
                                                   Evelyn Annenberg-Hall(1911-2005年)收
well potted of elongated pear shape sweeping       藏,紐約
up to a slender neck, exquisitely painted in       紐約佳士得2006年3月29日,編號169
vivid cobalt blue with five sinuous five-clawed    香港蘇富比2011年4月8日,編號3106
dragons animatedly striding in various positions
around the vase amidst a dense lotus ground, all
between a band of waves and pendent ruyi heads
encircling the mouth and waves and classic scroll
skirting the foot, the base inscribed with a six-
character reign mark in underglaze blue
46 cm, 18⅛ in.


Collection of Mrs Christian Holmes (1871-1941).
William H. Wolff, Inc., New York, January 1966.
Collecton of Evelyn Annenberg-Hall (1911-2005),
New York.
Christie’s New York, 29th March 2006, lot 169.
Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 8th April 2011, lot 3106.

HK$ 35,000,000-45,000,000
US$ 4,510,000-5,800,000

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