Page 124 - Important Chinese Art Hong Kong Sotheby's April 2017
P. 124


PROPERTY OF A HONG KONG COLLECTOR                                   清康熙 青花夔鳳紋搖鈴尊
VASE                                                                來源:
MARK AND PERIOD OF KANGXI                                           紐約佳士得1989年12月2日,編號358
the bell-shaped body rising to a tall tubular neck with a slightly  香港蘇富比2011年10月5日,編號32
lipped rim supported on a raised footring, painted on both
sides with a highly stylised kui phoenix design, its head on the    出版:
neck of the vase dissolving into abstract blue scrolls draping      康蕊君,《玫茵堂中國陶瓷》,倫敦,1994-2010年,卷
over the shoulders against a plain white ground, the base           2,編號754
inscribed with a six-character reign mark written in three
columns within a double circle                                      北京故宮博物院有藏與此瓶相似之例,錄於耿寶昌主編,
24 cm, 9½ in.                                                       《故宮博物院藏清代御窰瓷器》,北京,2005年,卷1(
PROVENANCE                                                          ,圖版40。北京中國國家博物館又另有一康熙例,錄於
Christie’s New York, 2nd December 1989, lot 358.                    《中國國家博物館藏文物研究叢書》,瓷器卷:清代,
The Meiyintang Collection.                                          上海,2007年,圖版2。此形制也有釉裏紅例,一器藏於
Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 5th October 2011, lot 32.                      上海博物館,見《中國陶瓷全集》,上海,1999年-2000
LITERATURE                                                          錄:康熙窰.雍正窰》,東京,1980年,圖版21。
Regina Krahl, Chinese Ceramics from the Meiyintang Collection,
London, 1994-2010, vol. 2, no. 754.

HK$ 2,500,000-3,500,000
US$ 323,000-451,000

A vase of this design in the Palace Museum, Beijing, is
illustrated in Geng Baochang, ed., Gugong Bowuyuan cang
Qingdai yuyao ciqi [Porcelains from the Qing dynasty imperial
kilns in the Palace Museum collection], Beijing, 2005, vol. 1,
part 1, pl. 47, together with a Yongzheng version, part 2, pl. 40;
another Kangxi vase in the National Museum of China, Beijing,
is published in Zhongguo Guojia Bowuguan guancang wenwu
yanjiu congshu/Studies on the Collections of the National
Museum of China. Ciqi juan [Porcelain section], Qingdai [Qing
dynasty], Shanghai, 2007, pl. 2. The design was also executed
in underglaze copper red; for an example in the Shanghai
Museum see Zhongguo taoci quanji [Complete series on
Chinese ceramics], Shanghai, 1999-2000, vol. 14, pl. 24; and
for one in Taipei, Gugong Qing ci tulu. Kangxi yao, Yongzheng
yao/Illustrated Catalogue of Ch’ing Dynasty Porcelain in the
National Palace Museum, Republic of China. K’ang-hsi Ware
and Yung-cheng Ware, Tokyo, 1980, pl. 21.

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