Page 161 - Important Chinese Art Hong Kong Sotheby's April 2017
P. 161
The seal reading Bazhengmao nian zhi bao [‘Seal of the the authentication and dating of the scroll, as well as its past
Eighty-year-old Man Mindful of the Eight Requirements’] locations and user.
was created especially for the Qianlong Emperor’s eightieth
birthday. Bazheng refers to the eight main charges of a ruler as From time immemorial, longevity was a common wish for
described in the Hongfan [‘Great Plan’] chapter of Shangshu: humans. The Hongfan chapter articulates the ‘five blessings’
food, finances, rituals, housing, education, safety, pilgrimages, as longevity, prosperity, health and tranquillity, an inclination
and war. These later became criteria for just rule. Qianlong towards the morally good, and living fully one’s allotted years
personally wrote a record of this seal, ‘At the age of seventy, (i.e. avoiding unnatural death). The fundamental human
I used a line from Du Fu to make a seal reading Guxi tianzi yearning for longevity is expressed also in various chapters of
zhi bao. Soon afterwards I made a seal reading Youri zizi, the Classic of Poetry. Qianlong opens his Ningshougong ming
expressing my resolve to remain diligent as a ruler. Thanks [‘Memorial on the Palace of Tranquil Longevity’] by saying that
to Heaven’s blessings, I have not suffered major injuries ‘longevity is foremost among the five blessings.’
or illnesses. After this birthday I will have lived for another
decade. Thinking to this I have written about the celebrations For this reason, Qing-dynasty emperors organised major
of my eightieth birthday and ordered it carved on seals to celebratory activities around birthdays. Of foremost
complement my various imperial brushes. All this is because importance were the emperors’ decade birthdays, including
I am mindful of the Eight Requirements in Hongfan.’ ‘The Quli in particular Kangxi’s sixtieth and Qianlong’s seventieth and
says that [a man of] eighty years is called mao, meaning ‘old eightieth, all of which were commemorated. Among the Qing
and impaired in wisdom.’ Now that I have reached the age of imperial family, Kangxi, Qianlong’s birth mother Empress
eighty, grateful to Heaven for bestowing me good fortune, I Dowager Chongqing, Qianlong, the Jiaqing Emperor, and
am healthy and strong in body. I deal with thousands of affairs Empress Dowager Cixi enjoyed multiple major birthday
in a single day but show no impairment in my mind. I must celebrations. Qianlong alone enjoyed four such events during
continue to motivate myself.’ Therefore he commissioned a his lifetime.
seal reading Ziqiang buxi [‘ceaselessly strive to strengthen
oneself’] as a secondary seal to Baozhengmao nian zhi bao to On these occasions, court officials were required to submit
express his resolve to conduct himself according to the ‘eight various extravagant tributes to the emperor, and among
requirements’ of the ruler and strengthen himself even at old them were many kesi works. In the first lunar month of 1790,
age. Qianlong wrote in running script Bazhengmao nian zhibao
ji. Sometime before his birthday in the eighth lunar month,
Xintian zhuren [‘The Master of Faith in Heaven’] was one of officials sent this reproduction of Qianlong’s calligraphy
Qianlong’s sobriquets and expresses the notion that ‘one in kesi as a gift to the emperor. The high official Hu Jitang
who follows Heaven prospers, and one who defies Heaven commissioned a kesi album reproducing Baodian fushu, a
perishes.’ Created in 1786, this seal was intimately connected compilation of impressions of 120 seals made from Shoushan
to Qianlong’s pacification of the Dzungar Khanate and Hui stone, and a kesi album reproducing a compilation of
rebels in the northwest frontier. This seal also indicated the auspicious wishes. Prince Yongyan, Heir Apparent and the
eighty-year-old emperor’s pride in his ‘Ten Great Military future Jiaqing Emperor, also sent his father a kesi tapestry
Campaigns.’ depicting the Three Star Gods. All this indicates that kesi works
were some of the most significant tributes to the emperor at
The seal reading Bishu shanzhuang [‘Mountain Estate for the Qing court.
Escaping the Heat’] was carved after the middle period of
Qianlong’s reign. Its impression on the present work indicates The design of the present kesi scroll, featuring the shou
that it was once used or kept at the Mountain Estate for character amidst auspicious motifs, expresses the
Escaping the Heat in Chengde. longstanding Chinese preoccupation with longevity. It was
very likely a tribute from a high official to the emperor on
The impressions of the above seals, among the most the occasion of his eightieth-birthday celebrations. The
important in Qianlong’s late life, on the present kesi scroll impressions of five of Qianlong’s seals on the work suggest
hint at the emperor’s state of mind as he contemplated this that the Emperor deeply cherished it for its rich cultural
birthday gift during the last stage of his life. At the same time, content and distinctive craftsmanship.
the seal impressions also provide important evidence for