Page 260 - Important Chinese Art Hong Kong Sotheby's April 2017
P. 260


A PAIR OF IRON-RED AND UNDERGLAZE-                              清康熙 青花礬紅海水九龍紋盌一對
BLUE ‘DRAGON’ BOWLS                                                        《大清康熙年製》款
each finely potted with deep rounded sides rising from a        物院藏文物珍品大系.雜釉彩.素三彩》,上海,2009
straight foot to a flared rim, the exterior decorated with      年,圖版146。另有兩例兩次售於香港蘇富比,分別於
eight iron-red dragons coiling in different postures, against   2002年10月30日,編號289及2004年4月25日,編號306。
a neatly arranged ground of tempestuous waves rendered
in underglaze blue, below a band of interlinked circular
motifs bordering the rim, the interior similarly rendered with
a medallion enclosing an iron-red dragon coiling against
an underglaze-blue ground of waves, the base inscribed in
underglaze blue with a six-character reign mark within a
double circle
18.8 cm, 7⅜ in.

HK$ 600,000-800,000

US$ 77,500-104,000

Compare a closely related bowl in the Palace Museum, Beijing,
illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures in the
Palace Museum. Miscellaneous Enamelled Porcelains Plain
Tricolour Porcelains, Shanghai, 2009, pl. 146; and two sold in
these rooms, the first, 30th October 2002, lot 289, and the
second, 25th April 2004, lot 306.


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