Page 95 - Important Chinese Art Hong Kong Sotheby's April 2017
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existing posthumous title of an emperor or empress who had        hunting. The Jianzhou Jurchens thus became an agricultural
already been buried, only a silk and a jade posthumous seal       society, which allowed their population to rise and their
would be created.                                                 manufacture and crafts to flourish, forming the Jurchens’
                                                                  economic foundation. Fuman was buried in the old town of
The practice of housing posthumous imperial seals at the          Hetu Ala upon his death. In 1636, Hong Taiji, having declared
Imperial Ancestral Temple also evolved over time. In the first    himself emperor, gave Fuman the posthumous title of
year of the Chongde reign (1636), the Ancestral Temple was        Qingwang. In 1647, the Shunzhi Emperor further promoted
established on the east side of Fuin Gate in Shengjing, but at    him as Emperor Zhi, and his wife Xitala as Empress Zhi.
the time only the deceased emperors’ and empresses’ spirit
tablets were housed there. After the Qing occupied Beijing        From the above, we may conclude as follows:
in the first year of the Shunzhi reign (1644), it built another
Ancestral Temple on the west side of Duan Gate, but this          First, the current seal is a rare and authentic Shunzhi-era
temple likewise did not house jade albums and jade seals. In      jade created in or slightly before 1652. As is well known,
the seventh month of the second year of the Shunzhi reign         the harvesting and crafting of rough jades and the use and
(1645), the jade albums and jade seals of Taizu Wuhuangdi,        collection of jades reached an unprecedented height at
Xiaoci Wuhuanghou, and Taizong Wenhuangdi were housed             the Qing imperial court. Our understanding of Qing jades
at the Ancestral Temple in Beijing—the first instance of          is based in large part on examples dating from the mid- to
this practice. In the second month of the ninth year of the       late-Qing periods, especially the Qianlong period. Research
Shunzhi reign (1652), the jade albums and jade seals of           into Shunzhi- and Kangxi-period jades is lacking, primarily
Sizu Kaohuangdi, Sizu Bihuanghou, and Empress Dowager             because of the paucity of definitively authentic examples. For
Xiaozhuang were also moved to the Ancestral Temple. From          this reason, a dated jade from these earlier periods, such as
this point onwards, the jade album and jade seal of every         the lot on offer, is of great historical value and serves as an
deceased emperor and empress would be dedicated at the            important reference.
Ancestral Temple. Until 1888, the Imperial Ancestral Temple
housed a total of 40 posthumous seals, belonging to emperors      Second, the present seal has artistic significance. It is
and empresses from Zhaozuyuan Huangdi through the                 generously proportioned. The carved dragon supports itself
Tongzhi Emperor. In the chaos of the early 20th century, the      with four claws and stares ahead with a raised head. It is
40 seals in Beijing were lost and dispersed around the world. In  slender but spirited, with a robust and arched body and an
the second year of the Xuantong reign (1910), the Qing court      up-turned tail. The carving of the sculpture is deep, while
remade the seals, which are now mostly in the collection of the   the inscription is rough and heavy and suggests a powerful
Palace Museum in Beijing. Because of time constraints and         hand. The lines on the dragon are engraved and were filled in
financial difficulties faced by the court, these later creations  with gold. Although the gold has been lost with the exception
were of a considerably lower craftsmanship than the originals.    of the front left leg of the dragon, we may still imagine the
                                                                  splendour of its original appearance. In its decorative styling
The above historical facts indicate that there were two           and in the articulation of the finial, this seal is identical to
posthumous seals for each of the four emperors and                the posthumous seal of Zhaoyuanzu huangdi, also created
empresses before Nurhaci. The first set was made in 1652          in 1652, and now in the Palace Museum, Beijing. Both are
and had finials in the form of crouching dragons. The second      important illustrations of the style of Shunzhi-era jades.
set was made in 1910 and had finials in the form of entwined
dragons. The Empress Zhi posthumous seal presently on offer       Third, the present seal is valuable for history. It is a very
was made on the order of the Shunzhi Emperor to honour            important artefact providing us with valuable insights into
the four early emperors and empresses and dedicated at the        the Qing system of state rituals for posthumous titles and
Imperial Ancestral Temple in 1652.                                imperial ancestor worship.

Empress Zhi was the wife of Fuman, the great-great-great-         1 Qing shigao [Draft history of the Qing dynasty], vol. 86.
grandfather of Nurhaci. Fuman, of the Aisin Gioro clan, was a     2 Ibid
member of Jianzhou Left Guard of the Ming Dynasty. Between        3 Guo Fuxiang, ‘Qingdai dihou yifa yu Gugong Bowuyuan cang Qingdai dihou
1522 and 1542, he served as director of the Jianzhou Left          yice yibao,’ Palace Museum Bulletin, 1994, vol. 4.
Guard, a position he had inherited from his father. He led
his clan in its migration to Hetu Ala, where they developed
a sedentary lifestyle and no longer devoted themselves to

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