Page 159 - Blum Feinstein Tanka collection HIMALAYAN Art Bonhams March 20 2024
P. 159

           AN OPAQUE SKY-BLUE 'CHILONG' BOTTLE               來源:
           1770-1830                                         Robert Hall, 倫敦,1991年
           Of flattened oviform shape with sloping shoulders below the cylindrical   蘇富比,香港,瑪麗及莊智博珍藏,第十部分,2015年5月31日,拍
           neck and wide mouth, all supported on a rounded oval foot with   品號205
           deeply cut foot, the narrow edges carved in relief to each side with an
           ascending chilong with multi-furcated tail and fur scrolls.   出版:
           1 7/8in (4.7cm) high, stopper                     莫士撝,Victor Graham及曾嘉寶著,A Treasury of Chinese Snuff
                                                             Bottles, The Mary and George Bloch Collection,第五輯,第二卷,頁
           $4,000 - 6,000                                    363,編號838
                                                             Robert Kleiner著,瑪麗及莊智博珍藏中國鼻烟壺珍藏,大英博物館,
           1770-1830 薰衣草藍料刻螭龍紋鼻煙壺一件                          倫敦,1995年,頁227,編號146

           Provenance:                                       展覽:
           Robert Hall, London, 1991.                        大英博物館,1995年6月20日-10月15日,編號146
           Sotheby's Hong Kong, The Mary and George Bloch Collection, Part X,
           31 May 2015, lot 205                              The bottle is carved and hollowed from a solid glass block. The type
                                                             of decoration of chilong to the narrow sides of this bottle can be
           Published:                                        favorably compared to that found on a green glass bottles illustrated in
           Hugh Moss, Victor Graham and Ka Bo Tsang, A Treasury of Chinese   Zhongguo Biyanhu Zhenshang, Hong Kong, 1992, p. 67, no. 48.
           Snuff Bottles, The Mary and George Bloch Collection, Vol. 5, Part 2, p.
           363, no. 838
           Robert Kleiner, Chinese Snuff Bottles in the Collection of Mary and
           George Bloch, British Museum, London, 1995, p. 227, no. 146
           The British Museum, June 20th-October 15th, 1995, no. 146

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