Page 14 - MARCHANT-Kangxi-Famille-Verte-FINAL
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              3.  Chinese porcelain famille verte dish with gently flared rim, painted with a bearded figure with bulging eyes wearing cloud scroll
          五 圖 盤 物 彩 人  robes, being sent away by an official in front of a further standing dignitary on a palace terrace, all amongst fencing with faux
                  marble and two attendants, one holding a large fan, with plantain in the background, the underside with viewing pavilions
                  amongst rockwork. The base with a shell mark within a double ring in underglaze blue.
                  15 ¡ inches, 39 cm diameter.
                  Early Kangxi, circa 1680.

                  •   Formerly in the Dr. Günter Schäper Collection.
          清 熙 康
                      Dr. Günter Schäper (1930-2014), had four great passions: medicine (which he studied at three German universities and
                      in which he had his own practice for 30 years in his home town of Recklinghausen), collecting art, hiking and horticulture.
                      His favourite ceramics were Meissen and Qing dynasty porcelain. His collection was sold to benefit two charities, one for
          海 款 螺       the protection of cultural heritage and the other for the protection of nature and animal welfare.
                  •   Another dish of this unusual subject within an elaborate border is in The Victoria and Albert Museum, gift of Sydney Vacher,
                      collection no. 480-1918.

          生  Günter Schäper  醫 舊 藏

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