Page 58 - Song Ceramics From a Distinguished Collection, April 5, 2017 Hong Kong
P. 58


AN EXCEPTIONAL AND EXTREMELY RARE                                   北宋 定窰刻花牡丹紋長頸瓶
NORTHERN SONG DYNASTY                                               來源:
the sumptuous globular body surmounted by a tall neck of            艾倫巴羅博士收藏
elegant cylindrical form, slightly flaring as it emanates from the  倫敦佳士得1986年12月8日,編號227
shoulder and extends to a flanged everted rim, all supported        沐文堂收藏
on a splayed foot, very finely carved with two luxuriant peony      倫敦蘇富比2003年11月12日,編號8
flowers, their stems and foliage spreading out to each other,
the neck and foot left undecorated, covered all over in an          展覽:
exquisite creamy-white glaze, the hollow foot and base left         《Song Dynasty Wares: Ting, Ying Ch’ing and Tz’u
partly glazed                                                       Chou》,東方陶瓷學會,倫敦,1949年,編號13
25 cm, 9¾ in.                                                       《Chinese Ceramics from Sir Alan Barlow’s Collection》
                                                                    ,Arts Council,倫敦,1953年,編號42
HK$ 8,000,000-12,000,000                                            《The Arts of the Sung Dynasty》,東方陶瓷學會,倫
US$ 1,040,000-1,550,000                                             《A Thousand Years of Chinese Ceramic Art》,東方陶
                                                                    瓷學會,Quantas Gallery,倫敦,1966年,編號23
PROVENANCE                                                          《The Ceramic Art of China》,Arts Council of Great
                                                                    Britain 及東方陶瓷學會,倫敦,1971年,編號68,圖刊
Collection of Sir Alan and Lady Barlow (1881-1968 and 1885-         於《東方陶瓷學會彙刊》,卷38,1969-71年,圖版43,
1989).                                                              編號68
Collection of Dr Alan Barlow.                                       《歷代文物萃珍:敏求精舍三十週年紀念展》,香港藝術
Christie’s London, 8th December 1986, lot 227.                      館,香港,1990-91年,編號87
The Muwen Tang Collection.                                          《關氏所藏宋代陶瓷》,香港藝術館,香港,1994年,
Sotheby’s London, 12th November 2003, lot 8.                        編號10
EXHIBITED                                                           港,2010-11年,編號97

Song Dynasty Wares: Ting, Ying Ch’ing and Tz’u Chou, The            出版:
Oriental Ceramic Society, London, 1949, cat. no. 13.                蘇立文,《Chinese Ceramics, Bronzes and Jades in the
Chinese Ceramics from Sir Alan Barlow’s Collection, Arts            Collection of Sir Alan and Lady Barlow》,倫敦,1963
Council, London, 1953, no. 42.                                      年,圖版41,編號C178
The Arts of the Sung Dynasty, Oriental Ceramic Society,             Jan Wirgin,〈Sung Ceramic Designs〉,《Bulletin of
London, 1960, cat. no. 27, pl. 15.                                  the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities》,卷42,1970
A Thousand Years of Chinese Ceramic Art, Oriental Ceramic           年,圖版61c
Society, Quantas Gallery, London, 1966, cat. no. 23.                W.B.R. Neave-Hill,《Chinese Ceramics》,愛丁堡及倫
The Ceramic Art of China, Arts Council of Great Britain and         敦,1975年,圖版60
The Oriental Ceramic Society, London, 1971, fully illustrated       Basil Gray,《Sung Porcelain and Stoneware》,倫
catalogue in Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic Society, vol.     敦,1984年,圖版48
38, 1969-71, pl. 43, cat. no. 68.
Selected Treasures of Chinese Art, Min Chiu Society Thirtieth
Anniversary Exhibition, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong,
1990-91, cat. no. 87.
Song Ceramics from the Kwan Collection, Hong Kong Museum
of Art, Hong Kong, 1994, cat. no. 10.
The Grandeur of Chinese Art Treasures. Min Chiu Society
Golden Jubilee Exhibition, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong
Kong, 2010-11, cat. no. 97.


Michael Sullivan, Chinese Ceramics, Bronzes and Jades in the
Collection of Sir Alan and Lady Barlow, London, 1963, pl. 41,
no. C178.
Jan Wirgin, ‘Sung Ceramic Designs’, Bulletin of the Museum of
Far Eastern Antiquities, no. 42, 1970, pl. 61c.
W.B.R. Neave-Hill, Chinese Ceramics, Edinburgh and London,
1975, pl. 60.
Basil Gray, Sung Porcelain and Stoneware, London, 1984, pl.

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