Page 67 - Song Ceramics From a Distinguished Collection, April 5, 2017 Hong Kong
P. 67

This large Junyao incense burner, with its thick luminous glaze     此鈞窰三足爐釉色渾厚光亮,乃同類器中佳品。鈞窰即河
and brilliant splashes, is a fine example of its type. Wares        南禹州鈞台窰,古時稱鈞州,鈞窰瓷器以其釉厚色濃為特
from the Juntai kiln site in Yu county, Henan province, an area     點,釉色淺有天藍,深則有如孔雀藍者。十二世紀初,陶
formerly known as Junzhou, are remarkable for their luscious        工開始於燒製前在釉面加入少許紫紅色銅料,以致原有乳
thick glazes of intense colouration which can vary from light       藍色釉面上呈現紫斑,為原有鈞釉更添一抹豔麗,揮灑自
to deep turquoise blue. In the early 12th century potters           如,見書法風範,深為當時文人權貴所喜。
began applying splashes of deep purplish-red derived from
copper to the glaze before firing, resulting in patches of purple,  此類器形、飾模印花紋者,根據考古發掘,一般斷為元代
lavender and tones of deep blue on the primary milky-blue           之物。參考內蒙古呼和浩特出土相類鈞窰爐,較此更大,
glaze. As seen on this piece, these splashes often had a strong     據銘紀年己酉(1309年),錄於《世界陶瓷全集》,卷13
calligraphic quality and added a flamboyant effect to the vessel    ,東京,1981年,彩圖版103。
that was of immense appeal to the literati and nobility of the

Junyao incense burners of this shape and with moulded               可比較一類例,紫斑較少,錄於《內蒙古集甯路古城遺
designs are generally attributed to the Yuan dynasty due to         址出土瓷器》,北京,2004年,圖版89。另有一例,屬
their similarities with a much larger incense burner dated in       George Eumorfopoulos 及 Montague Meyer 遞藏,先
accordance to 1309, excavated at Huhehot in Inner Mongolia,         後售於倫敦佳士得1980年4月14日,編號250,及香港蘇
and illustrated in Sekai toji zenshu/ Ceramic Art of the World,     富比1997年4月29日,編號508。還有兩例,其一乃 E.
vol. 13, Tokyo, 1981, col. pl. 103.                                 Bennett 夫人舊藏,售於倫敦蘇富比1955年5月24日,編
                                                                    號 148,另一曾屬 W.W. Winkworth 雅藏,售於倫敦蘇富
A similar incense burner, but lacking the splashes is illustrated   比1972年9月12日,編號31。又有一尺寸較小之爐,售於
in Porcelain Unearthed from Jininglu Ancient City Site in Inner     香港蘇富比1976年11月29日,編號434,收錄在《敏求精
Mongolia, Beijing, 2004, pl. 89; another from the collections       舍展覽:中國陶瓷雅集》,香港藝術館,香港,1980年,
of George Eumorfopoulos and Montague Meyer, was sold at             編號36。上海博物館藏一較大之爐,錄於《中國陶瓷全
Christie’s London, 14th April 1980, lot 250, and again in these     集》,上海,2000年,圖版207。《海內外徐展堂中國藝
rooms, 29th April 1997, lot 508; two were sold in our London        術館藏品選萃》中還載一例,香港,1996年,圖版28,售
rooms, the first from the collection of Mrs E. Bennett, 24th        於紐約佳士得1999年4月22日,編號260。
May 1955, lot 148, and the second from the W.W. Winkworth
Collection, 12th September 1972, lot 31; and a slightly smaller
example was included in the Min Chiu Society exhibition An
Anthology of Chinese Ceramics, Hong Kong Museum of Art,
Hong Kong, 1980, cat. no. 36, and sold in these rooms, 29th
November 1976, lot 434. See also a larger incense burner of
this type in the Shanghai Museum, Shanghai, illustrated in The
Complete Works of Chinese Ceramics, Shanghai, 2000, pl. 207;
and another illustrated in Splendour of Ancient Chinese Art.
Selections from the Collections of T.T. Tsui Galleries of Chinese
Art Worldwide, Hong Kong, 1996, pl. 28, and sold at Christie’s
New York, 22nd April 1999, lot 260.

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