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PROPERTY FROM THE COLLECTION OF DR.                  A GROUP OF SIXTY ONE CHINESE                        and National Central Museum, Three Hundred
PETER M. GREINER                                     ART REFERENCE BOOKS                                 Masterpieces of Chinese Painting in the Palace
                                                                                                         Museum, vols 1, 3-6, Taichung, Taiwan, 1959;
THREE SETS OF CHINESE ART                            the comprehensive selection includes: Gustav        Shoten, Kadokawa; A Pictorial Encyclopedia of
REFERENCE BOOKS                                      Ecke, Chinese Domestic Furniture, Clarendon,        the Oriental Arts, vols 1 & 2, New York, 1969;
                                                     Vermont, 1976; Alfred Salmony, Archaic              Sir Percival David, Chinese Connoisseurship,
comprising: Harry M. Garner, and Margaret            Chinese Jades from the Edward and Louise            London, 1971; Wu, Henry H., Ancient Chinese
Medley, Chinese Art in Three-Dimensional Colour,     B. Sonnenschein Collection, Chicago, 1952;          Jade: Explanatory Notes on Mr. T.C. Liu’s Unique
vol. I-IV, London, 1969; Osvald Sirén, Histoire des  Burlington Fine Arts Center, Illustrated Catalogue  Collection of Examples of Chinese Art, Chicago,
Arts Anciens de la Chine, 4 volumes, Paris, 1930     of Chinese Art, Burlington, Vermont, 1915.; Houo-   1933; Yuzo Sugimura, Chinese Sculpture, Bronzes
-1935 and; Liang-yu Liu, A Survey of Chinese         Ming-Tsé, Paul, Preuves des antiquités, Beijing,    and Jades in Japanese Collections, Tokyo, 1966
Ceramics, vol. I-V, Taipei, 1991 (13)                1930; Parish-Watson and Co., Chinese Pottery        and other titles (61)
                                                     of the Han, Tang, and Sung Dynasties, New York,
$ 1,000-1,500                                        NY, 1917; Hugh M. Moss, Chinese Snu Bottles         See catalogue note at  .
                                                     of the Silica or Quartz Group, London, 1971;
ᷕ⚳喅埻⍫侫㚠䯵ᶱ⣿                                           Hugo Munsterberg, Chinese Buddhist Bronzes,         $ 600-800
                                                     New York, 1988; National Palace Museum              ᷕ⚳喅埻⍫侫㚠䯵ᶨ䳬ℕ⋩ᶨ㛔


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