Page 168 - Sotheby's Fine Chinese Art, Porcelains, Jades, Bronzes 09/16 /17
P. 168

1163                                    1164  1165

1163                                          1164                                   1165

WU SHIXIAN 1845 1916                          HUANG SHANSHOU 1855 1919               WU ZISHEN 1893 1972

LANDSCAPE AFTER MI FU                         FIGURES                                LANDSCAPE AFTER WANG SHIMIN
ink and color on paper, hanging scroll        ink and color on silk, hanging scroll  ink on paper, hanging scroll
signed, with two seals of the artist          signed, with one seal of the artist    signed, with three seals of the artist
171.7 by 54.1 cm. 67⅝ by 21¼ in.              143.9 by 41.5 cm. 56⅝ by 16⅜ in.       97.5 by 55.2 cm. 38⅜ by 21⅜ in.
$ 500-700                                                                            $ 1,000-2,000
                                              $ 800-1,000
⏛䞛⁲ġ㹒Ⱉ䄁暐ġ姕刚䳁㛔ġ䩳庠                              湫Ⱉ⢥ġṢ䈑㓭ḳġ姕刚䴡㛔ġ䩳庠                       ⏛⫸㶙ġ冐䌳㗪㓷Ⱉ㯜ġ㯜⡐䳁㛔ġ䩳庠
ἄ侭䯥会炻憸⌘Ḵ㕡                                     ἄ侭䯥会炻憸⌘ᶨ㕡                              ἄ侭䯥会炻憸⌘ᶱ㕡

166 SOTHEBY’S                                                                        1166

                                                                                     WANG GEYI 1897 1988

                                                                                     PEACHES AND WINE POT
                                                                                     ink and color on paper, hanging scroll
                                                                                     signed, with four seals of the artist
                                                                                     138.3 by 41.5 cm. 54½ by 16⅜ in.
                                                                                     $ 600-800

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