Page 61 - Fine Classical Paintings Sothebys March 15th 2017 NYC
P. 61
Zhu Da (Bada Shanren) 1626-1705
ink on paper, album of twelve leaves
(1) with one seal of the artist, he yuan
(2) signed Bada shanren, with one seal of the
artist, he yuan
(3) signed Bada shanren, with one seal of the
artist, he yuan
(4) signed Bada shanren, with one seal of the
artist, he yuan
(5) with one seal of the artist, he yuan
(6) signed Bada shanren, with one seal of the
artist, he yuan
(7) with one seal of the artist, he yuan
(8) signed Bada shanren, with one seal of the
artist, he yuan
(9) with one seal of the artist, he yuan
(10) signed Bada shanren, with one seal of the
artist, he yuan
(11) with one seal of the artist, he yuan
(12) signed Bada shanren, dated guiwei (1703)
One titleslip by Zhang Daqian (1899-1983), signed 㛙俟ġ剙沍欂㝄ġ㯜⡐䳁㛔ġ⋩Ḵ攳Ⅎ ↢䇰
Zhang Yuan
With collector’s seals of Zhang Daqian, da feng 㫦嬀烉 ᶨˣ˪ℓ⣏ⰙṢ䔓嬄˫炻㜙Ṕ倂㦪䣦炻IJĺĴĸ
tang, cang zhi da qian, da qian hao meng 炷ᶨ炸㨓↢ᶨ㝅㗍ˤ憸⌘烉ỽ⚺ ⸜
28.7 by 19.7 cm. 11¼ by 7¾ in. (12) 炷Ḵ炸ℓ⣏ⰙṢ⮓ˤ憸⌘烉ỽ⚺ Ḵˣ懜㛐㔔炷䶐炸炻˪ᷕ⚳㚠䔓䷥⎰⚾
炷ᶱ炸ℓ⣏ⰙṢ⮓ˤ憸⌘烉ỽ⚺ 抬˫炷䫔⚃⌟烉㖍㛔䭯ŊŊȹ⮢昊ƸᾳṢ炸炻㜙
EXHIBITED 炷⚃炸ℓ⣏ⰙṢ⮓Ḷ⋿ⶆᷳ⮌㫴勱➪ˤ憸 Ṕ⣏⬠↢䇰㚫炻IJĺĹĴ⸜炻⚾䇰ŋőĴĵĮıĹĴ炻䫔
⌘烉ỽ⚺ ŊŗĮĵıķĮŊŗĮĵıĸ枩
Master of the Lotus Garden: The Life and Art 炷Ḽ炸憸⌘烉ỽ⚺ ᶱˣ䌳㕡⬯ˣ䎕⬿厗炷叿炸炻㛙徒㕗Ƹ⎚
of Bada Shanren, Asian Art Museum of San 炷ℕ炸ℓ⣏ⰙṢ⮓ˤ憸⌘烉ỽ⚺ ⭮㕗炷䶐炸炻˪匟⚺ᷣṢȹℓ⣏ⰙṢ炷ᶨ
Francisco, August 22-October 28, 1990; Yale 炷ᶫ炸憸⌘烉ỽ⚺ ℕḴℕȹᶨᶫ˧Ḽ炸䘬䓇㳣⍲喅埻˫炻俞
University Art Gallery, January 25-March 24, 1991 炷ℓ炸ℓ⣏ⰙṢ⮓ˤ憸⌘烉ỽ⚺ 欗⣏⬠↢䇰䣦炻IJĺĺı⸜炻䫔ijıĺĮijIJĵˣijĴĵ
炷ḅ炸憸⌘烉ỽ⚺ ˣijĶĶ枩
LITERATURE 炷⋩炸ℓ⣏ⰙṢ⮓ˤ憸⌘烉ỽ⚺ ⚃ˣ唕泣沜炻˪ℓ⣏ⰙṢ䓇⸛⍲ἄ⑩䲣
炷⋩ᶨ炸憸⌘烉ỽ⚺ ⸜˫炻⊿Ṕ䅽Ⱉ↢䇰䣦炻IJĺĺĸ⸜炻䫔ĴIJĸ枩
(1) Haichidai Sanjin Gafu, Tokyo Shurakusha, 1937 炷⋩Ḵ炸䘠㛒炷IJĸıĴ炸军㖍炻ℓ⣏ⰙṢ⮓ Ḽˣ䌳㕡⬯炻ˬℓ⣏ⰙṢἄ⑩䘬↮㛇⓷
(2) Comprehensive Illustrated Catalog of Chinese ⋩Ḵ∗ˤ 柴˭炻炷㒂唕泣沜炻˪ℓ⣏ⰙṢ䓇⸛⍲ἄ
Paintings (Vol. 4, Japanese Collections: Temples ⑩䲣⸜˫炸
and Individuals), compiled by Kei Suzuki, Tokyo 会䯥烉ℓ⣏ⰙṢ⡐䫮剙沍Ⅎˤ᷁彘ẚ⅔炻
University Press, 1983, pl. JP34-083, p. IV-406- 普㦻ˤ Ἦ㸸
IV-407 炷⻝⣏⋫炸ℓ⣏ⰙṢ剙沍Ⅎˤ䩳⢷㖍㵪Ḷ
(3) Master of the Lotus Garden: The Life and Art ⏛攨炻⻝䇘ˤ 䞛⍇卲⤛㮷冲啷
of Bada Shanren, Wang Fangyu & Richard M. Ⱉ⎋列⣓冲啷
Barnhart, Judith C. Smith editor, Yale University 揺啷⌘烉⣏桐➪ˣ啷ᷳ⣏⋫ˣ⣏⋫⤥⣊ ⻝⣏⋫冲啷
Art Gallery, 1990, pp. 209-214, 234, 255, g. 128,
cat. 70 ⯽奥
(4) Xiao Hongming, Badashanren Shengping ji
Zuopin Xinian, Beijing Yanshan Publishing House, ˪匟⚺ᷣṢȹℓ⣏ⰙṢ炷ᶨℕḴℕȹᶨᶫ
1997, p. 317 ˧Ḽ炸䘬䓇㳣⍲喅埻˫炻伶⚳冲慹ⰙⶪṆ
(5) Wang Fangyu, “Badashanren Zuopin de 㳚喅埻⌂䈑棐炻IJĺĺı⸜Ĺ㚰ijij㖍ȹIJı㚰ijĹ
Fenqi Wenti”, (According to Xiao Hongming, 㖍烊俞欗⣏⬠喅埻⌂䈑棐炻IJĺĺIJ⸜IJ㚰ijĶ
Badashanren Shengping Ji Zuopin Xinian) 㖍ȹĴ㚰ijĵ㖍
Mrs. Kiku Ishihara collection
Yoshio Yamaguchi collection
Zhang Daqian (Chang Dai-chien) collection
$ 2,500,000-3,500,000