Page 42 - Christie's Dec 2, 2015 Scholars Rocks, Hong Kong
P. 42
Jin Nong (1687-1763) was a well-known painter active in Yangzhou freer style, which earned him his place as one of the greatest painters in
area during the 18th century, and was coined as one of the ‘Eight Yangzhou and he was sometimes regarded as one of the famed Eight
Eccentrics of Yangzhou’. His non-orthodox painting style with unusual Eccentrics.
themes deviated from the literati tradition of muted landscapes and
Buddhist imageries. Despite being an extremely learned scholar who Lingbi stones have been the most prized and highly regarded stones
had mastered both calligraphy and painting, Jin Nong never succeeded by Chinese literati since the Song dynasty. Excavated from deep
in attaining an official post through the civil service examination, and underground in Qing Shan area in northern Anhui, the Lingbi
instead had to make a living by selling his paintings in Yangzhou. limestone has an extraordinarily high density which contributes to a
clear and resonant sound when being tapped, leading to its association
The other signature Fenghan refers to Gao Fenghan (1683-1749), a with ceremonial music. The Heavenly Temple (Tiantan) in Beijing,
highly accomplished painter, calligrapher and seal carver most famously for example, has a well-preserved set of Lingbi stone bianqing chimes.
known for his association with the ‘Eight Eccentrics of Yangzhou’, Lingbi stones are also cherished for their deep colour and lustrous
a group of painters regarded for their unorthodox and individualistic surface with a moist appearance at times. Though textual records
painting styles. Born ito an erudite family, he served briefly in the indicate that Lingbi stones were treasured as garden rocks in the Song
government as governor of She County in Anhui, but was embroiled in dynasty, extant examples of large, garden-sized Lingbi stones, such as
a series of political conflicts leading to a short period of imprisonment, the current lot, are extremely rare. A black Lingbi tiger-form rock of
during which his right hand was paralysed. Once his charges were comparable size (52 cm. high) was included in the exhibition Worlds
cleared and he was released from prison, Gao resigned from political life Within Worlds: The Richard Rosenblum Collection of Chinese Scholars’ Rocks,
and moved to Yangzhou, where he became acquainted with the local The Asia Society, New York and others, 1996-1999, catalogue, pl. 2.
literati circle and began to make a living by selling his paintings, which In the catalogue entry, Robert Mowry states that ‘This tiger-shaped rock
were highly sought after by wealthy families and connoisseurs in the numbers among the larger extant Lingbi stones, garden-sized specimens
area. After losing mobility in his right hand, Gao underwent rigorous now being virtually unknown’.
training to paint with his left hand, resulting in an even bolder and
Gao Fenghan, in the carved inscription of the present rock, extolled its
unusual (qi) and penetrable (tou) qualities. Since the connoisseurship of
scholar’s rocks first became established in the Song dynasty, scholars had
been using terms such as qishi (unusual stone), guaishi (strange stone) or
yishi (mutated stone) to refer to rocks for appreciation in the garden or
studio, reflecting their perception of scholar’s rocks as a representation
of a microcosm of the universe with many unknowns. The quality of
tou is one of the four attributes considered essential to the appreciation
of rocks by the rock admirer, Mi Fu from Northern Song dynasty. Tou
refers to the openness, lightness and airiness which a stone imparts.
lot 3005 (detail) 清乙卯年 (1735) 金農及高鳳翰題靈璧賞石
金農 (1687-1763),字壽門、司農、吉金,號昔耶居士、冬心先生等,浙江仁和
鳳翰,即高鳳翰 (1683-1749),清代著名揚州派畵家、書法家、篆刻家,與「揚
碩大如本拍品之例子非常稀少。美國藏家Richard Rosenblum藏一件尺寸相若的
黑靈璧石 (52公分高),可資參考,1996年展覽於紐約亞洲協會《Worlds Within
Worlds: The Richard Rosenblum Collection of Chinese Scholars’ Rocks》,
40 BEYOND WHITE CLOUDS 出雲疊嶂 — 文人案頭賞石