Page 6 - Fine Asian Works of Art December 19, 2016, SF
P. 6

Lots 8001-8017

Lim Ying Yun with Zhang Daqian                                            Lim Ying Yun (first from right) with Zhang Daqian
圖一:林瑩筠與張大千                                                                圖二:林瑩筠(右一)與張大千

Lim Ying Yun, also known as Lin Xiuzhen, was known to her friends as      出生於福州、成長於廈門的林瑩筠(又名林秀珍),自
Christine Wong. Born in Fuzhou and raised in Xiamen, Lim attended         幼在鼓浪嶼衛理教會寄宿學校求學,後於廈門大學和青
a Methodist boarding school at an early age. Possessing a modern          島大學學習生物學。秉持著新時代女性的獨立思想,
and independent spirit, Lim defied family pressure to have her feet       林氏違背家族旨意,堅拒纏足及包辦婚姻,並在24歲
bound, and later to enter into an arranged marriage. She was among        時,嫁給自由戀愛的夫婿黄篤修(1913-1978)。戰爭
only a few female students to study biology at Xiamen University and      之際,林瑩筠伉儷遷居香港。黃氏掌管淘化大同醬油食
Qingdao University, and at age 24, insisted on marrying a man of her      品的業務(其家族醬油和汽水企業的前身為廈門罐頭公
choice. During the war, Lim and her husband Wong Tok Sau (1913-           司)。為了逃離日軍的侵略,兩人先搬到澳門,隨後定
1978) relocated to Hong Kong, where Wong took charge of the Tao Fa        居新加坡長達四十五年之久。1998年,林瑩筠遷往舊金
Company (also known as Amoy Canning, now Amoy Food Limited), the          山,最後重返香港及新加坡,95歲辭世於新加坡。 林氏
family’s soy sauce and soft drink enterprise. Fleeing invading Japanese   在港居停期間,曾拜多位畫家習中國畫,對藝術的熱情
troops, Lim and Wong moved first to Macao, then to Singapore where        與日俱增。伉儷二人活躍於星、港畫壇,黄篤修還以「
she resided for 45 years. Lim relocated to San Francisco in 1998, and     竹馬居士」為號作畫。林瑩筠後入大風堂門下,師徒往
eventually returned to Hong Kong and Singapore, where she passed          來甚密。上世紀六十年代末、七十年代初,大千先生定
away at the age of 95. Lim developed her passion for Chinese paintings    居北加州,林氏還專程到卡蜜爾和蒙特利造訪,期間並
in her 40s while living in Hong Kong, studying with several masters       獲大千先生贈與畫作多幅。 林瑩筠對收藏中國書畫滿懷
there. Both Lim and Wong were active in the artistic circles of Hong      熱忱,結識並支持多位重要藝術家,除大千師外,黃君
Kong and Singapore, with Wong painting under the sobriquet Zhuma          璧和李曼峰等人亦與林氏夫婦常相往還。她孜孜不倦,
Jushi. Lim became a student of Zhang Daqian, who worked with her          逾80歲高齡仍持畫筆創作,嘗試以油彩和亞克力等新媒
extensively. When Zhang resided in northern California in the late 1960s  介作畫,屢屢在繪畫比賽中獲獎。本輯所精選的17幅畫
and early 1970s, Lim visited her teacher in Carmel and Monterey, and      作得自林氏家人。
accepted several paintings he offered her. An avid collector of Chinese
paintings, Lim Ying Yun befriended and patronized many major artists,
including Zhang Daqian, Huang Junbi, Chen Fang, and Lee Man Fong.
She continued to paint into her 80s, experimenting with new media
such as oil and acrylic, and winning prizes at painting competitions.
Selected paintings from Lim Ying Yun’s collection are being offered by
members of her family.

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