Page 111 - Fine Chinese, Japanese and Buddhist Art September 28, 2018 Galerie Zacke
P. 111

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 A BURLWOOD SNUFF BOTTLE, QING   Mouth, neck and lip: Short sprawling neck   A SILVER INLAID HARDWOOD SNUFF   A DUAN INKSTONE ‘DRAGON’ SNUFF   Provenance: United Kingdom private
 DYNASTY   with flat top and small mouth   BOTTLE, QING DYNASTY   BOTTLE, 1760-1820, POSSIBLY IMPERIAL   collection
 Wood burl (possibly huamu, birch burl)   Base: Tapered foot rim and flat oval base   Carved hardwood with good patina and well   The duan stone of pure quality and with
 with good patina and expressive grain.   Stopper: Matching stopper and spoon   visible grain, neatly inlaid with silver wire.   a good patina, smooth surface polish and   Literature comparison: For a bottle of slightly
 China, 19  century  Height of the bottle with stopper: 6,5 cm.   China, 19  century  neatly carved and incised decor in light relief   different shape but similarly carved, see Hugh
 Width of the mouth: 6 mm.                        China, 1760-1820               Moss, Victor Graham and Ka Bo Tsang, The
 During the mid- to late Qing dynasty,   Width of the neck: 17 mm.   Of elegant baluster form the bottle shows   Art of the Chinese Snuff Bottle, The J & J
 burlwood snuff bottles seemed to have   Weight: 23 grams   two chrysanthemum flowers surrounded by   Of flattened globular shape with tall neck,   Collection, pp. 151-156, no. 84. For other
 become popular as relatively inexpensive   Condition: Excellent with two tiny nicks   their tendrils and leaves.   carved in low relief to the main side with a   examples, see Pamela Friedman, Chinese
 bottles for the growing private market as   to foot      coiling dragon in a medallion amidst cloud   Snuff Bottles from the Pamela R. Lessing
 the habit of taking snuff spread throughout   Provenance: United Kingdom private   Shape: Baluster   scrolls, the narrow sides with lion-mask fixed-  Friedman Collection, Hong Kong, 1990, no.
 the empire. This example is related to that   collection; old collector’s label to base   Hollowing: Excellent   ring handles, the backside left plain.  60, with ordinary and kui dragons; Hugh
 group of bottles by its material, but the   indicates a purchase date of March 13 ,   Mouth, neck and lip: Short sprawling neck   The shape and the distinctive mask and ring   Moss, Chinese Snuff Bottles, London, 1976,
 shape is a rare one for a wooden bottle   1969   with slanted lip and very large mouth   handles, as well as the subject and style,   no. 175, with dragons and inscription; and
 and was presumably inspired by the spade      Base: Round convex base with tapered foot   identify it as one of a small group of bottles in   Sotheby’s, London, 11 October 1974, lot
 shaped jade bottles so popular during the   Literature comparison: For an impressive   rim   this material which presumably all come from   172, with dragons, an inscription and the
 second half of the Qing dynasty.  example with an ivory neck and loop   Stopper: Tourmaline stopper on green   the same workshop. In fact, although this is a   studio name Jingzhai (‘Studio of Veneration’);
 handles for a cord, see Au Hang 1993, no.   platelet   small group, it contains the majority of snuff   Alexander Brody, Old Wine into Old Bottles, A
 It is often difficult to identify the species   238, where no. 239 is another, of the more   Height of the bottle with stopper: 6,3 cm.   bottles of Duan stone, which was not often   Collector’s Commonplace Book, Hong Kong,
 of tree from which a burl has been taken,   typical later-Qing type having prominent   Width of the mouth: 9 mm.   used outside of the production of inkstones.   1993, p. 104, with dragons and an unusual
 particularly in cut and polished examples,   mask handles and a matching stopper. For   Width of the neck: 13 mm.   They are characterized by low-relief designs   inscription in relief seal script: ‘Precious
 but this has the appearance of birch   two other burl-wood snuff bottles, see   Weight: 22,5 grams   of distinctive dragons, the distinguishing   treasure [from the] Duan Stream’; Zhongguo
 burl (huamu). Birch grew in Manchuria,   Geng and Zhao, nos. 429 and 430.   Condition: Excellent, with two tiny wire   features of which are bulky haunches and   Biyanhu Zhenshang, Hong Kong, 1992, no.
 homeland of the Qing rulers. Burl wood      sections missing and dents to two further   short, multiple-spiked tails, set amidst clouds;   327, with kui and inscription.
 was used frequently in China and was   Auction result comparison: SNUFF BOTTLES   wires   or by kui dragons, often in the form of the
 also used for making the typical shallow   FROM THE MARY AND GEORGE BLOCH   Provenance: United Kingdom private   character long (‘dragon’).    Auction result comparison: Fine Chinese Snuff
 tea bowls used in Tibet and Mongolia.   COLLECTION: PART VI. Sotheby’s, 27 MAY   collection     Bottles from the Holden Collection. Christies,
 The material would have been available to   2013, HONG KONG, lot 153. (for a dated   Shape: Flattened globular   New York, 21 March 2000, lot 178. (for a
 the Chinese throughout the Qing dynasty,   example) SNUFF BOTTLES FROM THE   㶭ẋ䠔㛐⳴戨滣䂇⢢  Hollowing: Excellent   related bottle)
 and it is difficult to date many surviving   MARY AND GEORGE BLOCH COLLECTION   䠔㛐岒炻列⤥⊭㻧炻䲳䎮㶭㘘炻䱦伶⳴戨  Mouth, neck and lip: Elongated sprawling
 examples because they lack decoration,   Part V. Bonham’s, 27 May 2012, HONG   ᷕ⚳炻19ᶾ䲨  neck with convex top   1760军1820 ⸜攻䪗䠗滣䂇⢢炻⎗傥䁢⽉墥
 dates, or inscriptions. The majority of burl-  KONG, lot 92. (for a similar example, but   ⑩䚠㤝Ἓ  Base: Oval base with raised foot rim   䪗䠗䞛炻⊭㻧列⤥炻堐朊⸛㔜炻⃱㹹䴚䢐炻
 wood snuff bottles were probably made   lacking the matching stopper)  劙⚳䥩Ṣ㓞啷  Design, marks, school: ATTRIBUTED TO   晽ⶍ䳘䶣
 from the mid-Qing dynasty onwards, and           GUANGDONG PROVINCE AND PROBABLY   ᷕ⚳炻1760-1820⸜
 mainly for a non-Imperial market. A bottle   㶭ẋ䘕㛐滣䂇⢢  EstimateġEUR 200,-  FROM A WORKSHOP IN GUANGZHOU   ⑩䚠㤝⤥
 such as this, however, could date from   㧡䗌ĩ⎗傥䁢䲭㛐ㆾ䘥㧢㛐Ī炻⊭㻧列⤥炻  Starting price EUR 100,-  Height of the bottle: 5,7 cm.   劙⚳䥩Ṣ㓞啷
 mid-Qing and have courtly connections.   䲳䎮㶭㘘    Width of the mouth: 6 mm.
 For that period, we cannot rule out an   ᷕ⚳炻IJĺᶾ䲨  Width of the neck: 15  mm.    EstimateġEUR 500,-
 Imperial product simply because of its   ⑩䚠㤝Ἓ    Weight: 44,5 grams             Starting price EUR 250,-
 common material.    劙⚳䥩Ṣ㓞啷                       Condition: Excellent with only one tiny nick to
                                                  lip and some microscopic nibbles to the mask
 Shape: Spade   EstimateġEUR 300,-                handles
 Hollowing: Excellent   Starting price EUR 150,-

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