Page 174 - Bonhams September 10 2018 New York Chinese Works of Art
P. 174

                                                                              AFTER ZHAO WENSHU (1595-1634)
                                                                              Hibiscus and Ducks
                                                                              Hanging scroll, ink and color on silk, bearing
                                                                              a date of gengwu (1630), with a spurious
                                                                              signature of Zhao Wenshu followed by Zhao
                                                                              Wenshu yin, with additional spurious imperial
                                                                              collection seals.
                                                                              52 x 20in (132.1 x 51cm)

                                                                              $2,000 - 3,000
                                                                              (仿) 趙文俶 芙蓉水禽 設色絹本 立軸

                                                                              W. J. Daniel Gallery, Philadelphia, 1976
                                                                              AFTER QIAN XUAN (1235-1305)
                                                                              Flower and Insects, 19th century
                                                                              An album with twelve leaves, ink and color
                                                                              on silk, bearing a date yanyou yuannian
                                                                              (1314) and a signature of Qian Xuan on the
                                                                              last leaf, followed by two artist’s seals, Qian
                                                                              Xuan and Shunju, with additional seals on
                                                                              each leaf.
                                                                              11 1/4 x 7 3/4in (28.5 x 19.7cm)
                                                                              $2,000 - 3,000

                                                                              (仿) 錢選 錦色花卉 設色絹本 冊頁 十九世纪

                                                                              T. Z. Shiota (according to the label)



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