Page 191 - Bonhams September 10 2018 New York Chinese Works of Art
P. 191

Paintings from the

           Sa Family Collection

           Yun-Cheng Sa (1911-1988) was a native of Jiangyin county,   沙榮存(1911-1988)出生於江蘇省江陰縣,1936年自上海滬江
           Jiangsu province. A 1936 graduate of Shanghai’s Hu Jiang   大學畢業。抗日戰爭期間,在陪都重慶國民政府中擔任政治
           University, he had earlier studied navigation at Marine   教員。在重慶期間,沙榮存與聶惠珍相遇相識,兩人於1942
           Fisheries School. During WWII, he served as a political   年喜結連理,之後不久便有了一雙兒女Sophia和Paul。1946
           instructor for the Kuomintang in Chongqing, China’s wartime   年沙榮存被委任為交通部遠洋航運處經理,於是全家搬到上
           capital. It was there that he married Hui-Ching Niehin 1942,   海居住。自1948年,沙榮存開始在招商局任職,兼在上海
           and where their children Sophie and Paul were born. The   交通大學授課。全家於1949年遷往台灣 ,在台北短暫居住
           family moved to Shanghai in 1946, when Mr. Sa became   之後,由於工作變動,舉家先後輾轉於香港和東京。不久
           manager of the overseas division of China’s Communications   之後,沙榮存在東京成了立自己的航運公司──大華航運公
           Department; in 1948, he was named manager of the   司。1974年沙榮存攜全家從東京搬遷到紐約定居。1988年在
           overseas shipping department of China Merchants Steam   紐約去世,享年七十七歲。
           Navigation Company. While in Shanghai, he also served as
           instructor at Jiaotong University. In 1949, with the advance   沙榮存在航運事業及公司經營管理上都十分成功,但其自始
           of the Chinese Communist forces, the family relocated with   至終都保持著學者的矜持,對文學藝術亦有濃厚的興趣。在
           the government of the Republic of China to Taipei, Taiwan.   東京生活時,他在早稻田大學進修各種課程,還獲得了經濟
           After a brief stay there and still with China Merchants, Mr.   碩士學位。出於對中國傳統文化的熱愛,他在日本時期開始
           Sa was assigned to Hong Kong and then to Tokyo as part   收藏中國書畫。
           of the diplomatic mission of the Republic of China, which
           was, in turn, a part of the Allied Occupation of Japan. He
           later established his own shipping firm, Cosmos Marine
           Development Company. In 1974, he and Mrs. Sa relocated
           from Tokyo to New York City. He passed away in 1988, at
           age 77.

           Mr. Sa was a scholar at heart. Even as he built his career, he
           pursued a master’s degree in economics at Tokyo’s Waseda
           University as well as other studies, and had an abiding love
           for traditional Chinese arts and culture. He began collecting
           Chinese paintings while in Japan.

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