Page 94 - Bonhams September 10 2018 New York Chinese Works of Art
P. 94

           Qianlong period
           The inverted dome-form body surmounted by a large cupped lip,   See a similar cloisonné and champlevé enamel wine vessel, jue,
           decorated around the body and interior with leafy lotus scrolls, above  Qianlong period, in the Museum of Decorative Arts, Paris, illustrated
           a band of lappets and further floral scrolls, one side set with a gilt   by Béatrice Quette, ed., Cloisonné: Chinese Enamels from the Yuan,
           loop handle issuing from a mythical beast-head, the lip set with two   Ming, and Qing Dynasties, New York, 2011, p.86, fig.5.8. Compare
           opposing upright posts, all supported on raised on three tall curved   also a pair of related cloisonné enamel jue, 18th century, illustrated by
           legs.                                             Claudia Brown, Chinese Cloisonné: The Clague Collection, Phoenix,
           9 1/2in (23.4cm) high                             Arizona, 1980, pl.60.
           $10,000 - 15,000

           清乾隆 銅胎掐絲琺瑯纏枝蓮紋爵

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