Page 17 - The Beauty Of Japanese Bamboo Art, An Exhibition By The Mingei Gallery
P. 17

06  Iizuka Shōkansai  1919-2004  Kanto area  07  Iizuka Shōkansai     1919-2004                    Kanto area

            Hanakago Kakusō               Crane’s nest (鶴巣) is pronounced   the idea of becoming a painter    with various materials. But the call
                                          “tsuru no su” and also “kakusō”,   following the death of his older brother    of the traditional bamboo craft was
            Flower basket called “Crane’s Nest”  which is a symbol of longevity, the   Mikio, and began to study the art    stronger than these autonomous
                                          nurturing love of parents, fidelity,   of bamboo under the strict authority    creative impulses, and after four years
            27 (h) x 40 x 39.5 cm         and the prosperity of the family line.   of his father. He was awarded a prize    of absence, he returned to the “Nihon
 Hanakago Tsuru-musubi  Susudake bamboo (smoked bamboo)  * “Tsuru-musubi musubi wo tsuru    Shōkansai played a word game here   in 1948 at the Nitten exhibition where   Dento Kogei Ten” (Traditional Arts and
 no kake musubi”  with two words: tsuru for “vine”    Madake bamboo (timber bamboo)    Iizuka Shigetoshi, the second son of   his works were exhibited twenty   Crafts Exhibition) and received the
 Flower basket *  Signed: Shōkansai saku    and “crane”, kake for “word game”   and nemagaridake (Sasa kurilensis)  Rōkansai, graduated from the painting   times. He took the name Shōkansai   Minister of Education’s Award in 1974.
 (made by Shōkansai)  Tsuru means means both “vine”    and “tie”.  Signed: Shōkansai saku    department of the Fine Arts School   the next year, which had previously   In 1982, at the age of 63, Shōkansai
 38 (h) x 20 x 18.5 cm  Mutsume weave (hexagonal stitch)  and “crane”. Musubi means “bow”.   (made by Sōkansai)  in Tokyo in 1942, and was mobilized   been that of his deceased brother. His   became the second bamboo artist
 The horizontal weave is doubled.  Kake means “fasten” or “tie” but    Tomobako  during the Second World War.    works became resolutely modern and   to be named a Living National
 Tomobako  also means a play on words.    On his return, in 1946, he abandoned    showed a willingness to experiment   Treasure (Ningen Kokuhō).
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