Page 31 - The Beauty Of Japanese Bamboo Art, An Exhibition By The Mingei Gallery
P. 31

19  Hayakawa Shōkosai I  1825-1897  Kansai area  20  Hayakawa Shōkosai III  1864-1922              Kansai area

 Sage kudamono-kago  Bamboo, metal fitting and jade rings  “The fruit basket with handles: I attest   in this category. In 1877, and again
 Signed: Shōkosai zō kore    that this was made by Hayakawa   in 1881, he was awarded by Yūkō
 Fruit basket with handle  (Shōkosai made this)  Shōkosai I, authenticated by Shōkosai   Medal of Merit at the Tokyo National
 III, in the early winter of Taisho 8   Industrial Exhibition (Meiji jūnen   Teiryo hanakago  Madake Bamboo (timber bamboo)  He worked in Tokyo under the name   and calligrapher. He created only a
 21.5 (h) x 24 x 24 cm  Tomobako authenticated by Hayakawa   (1919), the year of tsuchinoto-hitsuji.”  Naikoku Kangyō Hakurankai Tōkyō).   Signed: Sansei Shōkosai    Shōsai before returning to Osaka    few sencha-related bamboo baskets,
 Shōkosai III: “Sage kudamono-kago,   He was also the first bamboo artist   Flower basket with handle  (Shōkosai III)  in 1905 and succeeding to the family   focusing instead on departing from
 Kore senkō shodai no tsukuru mono   Hayakawa Shōkosai I, considered    to sign his works.  Tomobako  name following the premature   Chinese models (karamono utsushi)
 nari, yotte kore o shōsu, Taisho   to be the founding father of bamboo   ca.1905-1922  death of his elder brother. This   and developing a flexible and organic
 tsuchinoto-hitsuji shotō, Sansei   art in Japan, is also the first double-  Hayakawa Shōkosai III was the fifth   broadly cultured artist was also an   style that exerted an important
 Shōkosai, with seal Shōkosai”  award winning artist for his work   45 (h) x 17 x 17 cm  son of Hayakawa Shōkosai I.    accomplished musician, ink painter,   influence on later bamboo art.
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