Page 209 - Japanese Art Nov 9 2017 London
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340                                                 BUDDHIST WORKS OF ART
                                                                                                   Various Properties
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A TWO-PANEL FOLDING SCREEN                          YAMORI (GECKO)                                 A LACQUER PORTABLE ZUSHI (SHRINE)
By Ban’ura Shogo (1901-1982), Showa era             By Saratani Tomizo (born 1949), Showa          CONTAINING A GILT-WOOD FIGURE OF
(1926-1989), 1944                                   (1926-1989) or Heisei (1989-) era,             JUICHIMEN KANNON (THE 11-HEADED
Comprising two wood-framed panels                   late 20th/early 21st century                   KANNON)
connected by metal hinges, decorated in             A found object consisting of a piece of stone  Edo period (1615-1868), 18th/19th century
coloured lacquer on an off-white lacquer            embedded in fossilized driftwood, the surface  The finely carved figure standing beneath a
ground with a bold design of a kabocha              highly polished and decorated in gold, silver  canopy, set on a lotus pedestal supported
(pumpkin) and leaves on the left and a kabu         and coloured takamaki-e, kirigane and shell    on an elaborate five-tiered stand and backed
(turnip) and leaves on the right, signed with a     with a gecko and grapevine, signed with        by a kohai (nimbus), all these components
red two-character seal Shogo                        incised characters Tomizo富造; with wood         of gilt wood, the figure itself of plain carved
省吾, the reverse of each panel finished in           tomobako storage box inscribed outside         wood with gilt decoration for the robes and
brown lacquer decorated with three nasubi           Yamori 家守 (Gecko), signed inside               with several details in metal, with four principal
(aubergines) in off-white lacquer, inscribed        Tomizo 富造.                                     arms and numerous smaller arms holding a
Koki nisenryoppyakuyonen Daitoasenka                Maximum length 32.5cm (12¾in). (2).            variety of attributes, the interiors of the doors
Shogo kinsaku 皇紀二千六百四年大東亜戦                                                                         gilded and painted in colour with two attendant
下省吾謹作 (Respectfully made by Shogo in                £4,000 - 5,000                                 bodhisattvas, Jizo to the right and Seishi to the
1944 during the Great East Asian War). Each         JPY590,000 - 740,000                           left, the exterior of the shrine black-lacquered
panel 103.7cm x 48.6cm (40¾in x 19 1/8in).          US$5,300 - 6,600                               with gilt-metal fittings engraved with floral
                                                                                                   motifs. The figure: 22.2cm (8 3/4in) high;
£1,000 - 1,500                                                                                     the shrine: 62.5cm (24 5/8in) high.
JPY150,000 - 220,000
US$1,300 - 2,000                                                                                   £4,000 - 6,000
                                                                                                   JPY590,000 - 890,000
                                                                                                   US$5,300 - 7,900

For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each Lot               FINE JAPANESE ART | 207
please refer to paragraphs 7 & 8 of the Notice to Bidders at the back of the catalogue.
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