Page 226 - Japanese Art Nov 9 2017 London
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368 *                                                                           370
                                                                                A LARGE BALUSTER BRONZE VASE
AN INLAID-BRONZE CYLINDRINCAL HANDLED VASE                                      Made by Seiunsai for the Nakanoya Company, Meiji era (1868-1912),
By Yoshimitsu, Meiji era (1868-1912), late 19th/early 20th century              late 19th/early 20th century
The textured dark-greenish ground applied in contrasting tones of               Carved in varying levels of relief, the body with two lobed panels
bronze and gilt low relief with a trailing vine of tsuru reishi (bitter lemon)  enclosing a different scene, one showing the Heian-era nobleman,
and foliage, the shoulder applied with two loose simulated woven-ring           Fujiwara no Yasumasa at dusk playing his flute on the deserted moors
handles, signed on the base with chiselled signature Yoshimitsu 義光;             of Ichihara the villan Hakamadare Yasusuke behind him trying to steal
with a wood tomobako storage box titled Zogan kinreishi kabin 象嵌金霊              his elegant robe, the other panel with a pair of doves beneath maple
子花瓶 (Inlaid vase with bitter lemon design) on the outside of the lid and        branches, separated by dragon roundels, all on a ground carved in low
signed and sealed on the inside by the artist Hokuryo sanjin Yoshimitsu         relief with dense archaic geometric motifs, the upper section applied
saku 北陵山人義光作 with a seal. 24.5cm (9 5/8in) high. (2).                           with two dragons in high relief encircling the shoulder and rising up
                                                                                towards the trumpet-shape neck; signed on the base in a rectangular
£2,500 - 3,500                                                                  cartouche Nakanoya sei Seiunsai chu 中野屋製晴雲斎鋳 (cast by
JPY370,000 - 520,000                                                            Seiunsai, made by Nakanoya).
US$3,300 - 4,600                                                                45.1cm (17¾in) high.

369                                                                             £1,500 - 2,000
AN INLAID-BRONZE INCENSE BURNER AND EN-SUITE COVER                              JPY220,000 - 300,000
By Miyabe Atsuyoshi, Meiji era (1868-1912),                                     US$2,000 - 2,600
late 19th/early 20th century
The body worked in gold, bronze, copper, silver and shakudo relief              Illustrated on page 225.
inlay with a solitary sparrow perched on a snow-laden branch as three
egrets around it fly in an upward diagonal formation, the removable
reticulated cover similarly inlaid with three sparrows in flight and
surmounted with a finial in the form of an egret standing on a wood
stump, the inside lined in silver; signed on the base with chiselled
characters Dai Nihon Kyoto no ju Ikkodo Miyabe Atsuyoshi 大日本京都
住一光堂宮部篤良 with a kao. 16cm x 15cm (6¼in x 5 7/8in). (2).

£4,000 - 6,000
JPY590,000 - 890,000
US$5,300 - 7,900

224 | BONHAMS         For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each Lot
                      please refer to paragraphs 7 & 8 of the Notice to Bidders at the back of the catalogue.
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