Page 90 - Japanese Art Nov 9 2017 London
P. 90



150 Y Ф                                           151 Y Ф                                         152 Y Ф
OKIMONO FIGURES                                   Meiji era (1868-1912),                          OF A WOODCUTTER
Meiji (1868-1912) or Taisho (1912-1926) era,      late 19th/early 20th century                    Attributed to Suzuki Nobuyuki, Meiji era
late 19th/early 20th century                      The first a man seated beside a brazier,        (1868-1912), late 19th/early 20th century
The first of ivory, a scholar kneeling and        holding a sake cup in front of a stand laden    Constructed in two detachable sections,
leaning on a table as he studies an illustrated   with dishes of food, signed on the base in a    the old man seated and leaning against a
book, a small hibachi (brazier) at his feet, the  red-lacquer reserve Shizuhiro, 5.7cm x 7.6cm    rush mat wrapped with large bundles of tied
table bearing a pile of three books, a long       (2¼in x 3in); the second a man and woman        brushwood, clutching in his left hand an axe
pipe and a miniature sand garden, slight          collecting shells at low tide, signed on the    and a pipe in the other, a tobacco pouch and
details inlaid, signed on a red-lacquer tablet    base with chiselled signature Shimamura with    pipe case suspended from his belted tunic at
Ikkosai Seishu saku, 9.5cm x 9.2cm (3¾in x        a seal, 6.5cm x 5.7cm (2½in x 2¼in); the third  the back, signed on the base Nobuyuki on a
3 3/8in), with a wood stand; an ivory figure of   a woman and her three children playing at the   red-lacquer cartouche; with an unassociated
a fisherman holding his net with both hands,      foot of a large statue of a Nio, signed Komin,  separate gnarled wood stand.
13.3cm (5¼in) high; another holding an empty      7cm (2¾in) high. (3).                           The figure: 39.5cm (15½in) high; the
basket and net, 12.7cm (5in) high; a walrus                                                       brushwood: 13.5cm x 56.5cm (5¼in x 22¼in);
ivory carving of a sage and two boys, 10cm        £1,000 - 1,500                                  the stand: 10cm x 57cm (4in x 22½in). (3).
(4in) high. (5).                                  JPY150,000 - 220,000
                                                  US$1,300 - 2,000                                £6,000 - 8,000
£1,200 - 1,800                                                                                    JPY890,000 - 1,200,000
JPY180,000 - 270,000                                                                              US$7,900 - 11,000
US$1,600 - 2,400

88 | BONHAMS                                      For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each Lot
                                                  please refer to paragraphs 7 & 8 of the Notice to Bidders at the back of the catalogue.
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