Page 24 - Christie's, Tang Collection of Important Chinese Ming Furniture May 31 to June 1, 2023 Hong Kong
P. 24


          A PAIR OF IMPORTANT                                 十七世紀 黃花梨四出頭
          AND EXTREMELY RARE                                  官帽椅一對
          BACK ARMCHAIRS,                                     來源
          SICHUTOUGUANMAOYI                                   東泰公司(黑洪祿),香港
                                                              Giesle Croes,布魯塞爾,1986/87年
          17TH CENTURY                                        安思遠舊藏,香港
          The yoke-back armchairs are constructed of fine huanghuali,
          each ‘official’s hat’ toprail with strongly swept-back ends   展覽
          supported on round corner posts which continue through
          to the back legs. The well matched backsplats are flanked   《Circa 1492: Art in the Age of Exploration》,華盛
          at the sides by openwork ruyi-scroll flanges, pierced and   頓,1991年,圖錄485-486頁,圖版345號
          exquisitely carved in deep and layered technique from both   《Best of the Best: An Exhibition of Ming
          sides with a ruyi-shaped cartouche enclosing auspicious   Furniture from Private Collections》,嘉木堂,香
          emblems surrounding a qilin on one and two mythical
          animals on the other. The out-scrolled arms supported on   港,1994年
          sinuous tapering stiles and curved front posts with beaded   《日昇月騰:從敏求精舍藏品看明代》,香港,2015年,
          cloud spandrels continue through the rectangular frame   圖錄292-293頁,圖版224號
          of the soft mat seat to form the front legs, which joined in
          front by beaded scrolling aprons and long flange spandrels
          carved with dragons, lotus buds, ruyi and clouds, with   出版
          similarly carved aprons and spandrels on all four sides, and   Flynn,《Chinese Furniture in Two Columbian
          with a shaped footrest and stepped stretchers, each with a   Exhibitions : 1893 and 1992》,JCCFS,1993年,春
          curvilinear apron carved with dragon heads or leafy tendrils .
          47 in. (119.5 cm.) high, 24 13/16 in. (63 cm.) wide,    柯惕思,《Best of the Best: An Exhibition of Ming
          21 7/16 in. (54.5 cm.) deep             (2)         Furniture form Private Collections》,Arts of
          HK$8,000,000-12,000,000                             《Chinese Jades from the Cissy and Robert Tang
          US$1,100,000-1,500,000                              Collection》,香港,2015年,12頁,圖版3號

          P R O V E NAN CE
          Eastern Pacific Co. (Hei Hung Lu), Hong Kong
          Giesle Croes, Brussels, 1986/87
          Robert Hatifield Ellsworth, Hong Kong, 1989
          E X H IB I TE D
          Circa 1492: Art in the Age of Exploration, National Gallery of
          Art, Washington D.C., 1991, cat.pp.485-486, no.345
          Best of the Best: An Exhibition of Ming Furniture from Private
          Collections, Grace Wu Bruce, Hong Kong, 1994
          The Radiant Ming, 1368-1644 through the Min Chiu Society
          Collection, Hong Kong, 2015, cat.pp. 292-293, no. 224
          L I T E R A TUR E
          B. Flynn, ‘Chinese Furniture in Two Columbian Exhibitions:
          1893 and 1992’, Journal of the Classical Chinese Furniture
          Society, Spring 1993, pp.48-51, fig.4
          C. Evarts, ‘Best of the Best’ An Exhibition of Ming
          Furniture form Private Collections, Arts of Asia, May-June
          1995, pp. 135-141, no. 5
          Chinese Jades from the Cissy and Robert Tang Collection, Hong
          Kong, 2015, p. 12, fig.3

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