Page 144 - Christie's Irving Collection Lacquer Bronse jade and Ink March 2019
P. 144

              L A C Q U E R  •  J A D E  •  B R O N Z E  •  I N K  T H E R V I N G  C O L L E C T I O N  髹金飾玉 - 歐雲伉儷珍藏

        817   FU BAOSHI (CHINA, 1904-1965)
              Lithe Like A Crane, Leisurely Like A Seagull           傅抱石 瘦如黃雀閒如鷗 設色紙本 鏡框 一九六二年作

              Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and color on paper     題識:瘦如黃雀閒如鷗。抱石擬邵僧彌象,南京記。
              Entitled, inscribed, and signed, with one seal of the artist and one dated seal   鈐印:傅、壬寅(1962年)
              of renyin year (1962)
              17 æ x 26 ¬ in. (45.2 x 67.8 cm.)                      東泰商行,香港,1988年。
              $800,000-1,200,000                                     歐雲伉儷珍藏,編號1638。

              Eastern Pacifc Co., Hong Kong, 1988.
              The Irving Collection, no. 1638.

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