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history. “The Irvings have been inspirational donors in   and the Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center,
                                   building the Museum’s collections and galleries of Asian   among others. They were justifably proud of the bonds
                                   Art since 1987,” said Met President and CEO Daniel   they held with Columbia and its medical professionals.
                                   Weiss. “We are profoundly grateful to the Irvings for   “This is a relationship that has endured for many years
                                   their tremendous generosity and vision.”    and has been very important to us,” the Irvings stated.
                                                                               “We are honored to be associated in this way with these
                                   FRIENDS AND MENTORS                         great institutions and the special people who make
                                   In their betterment of the New York community,   them what they are.”
                                   Florence and Herbert Irving came to stand proudly in
                                   the annals of American philanthropy. With humility and   By the time of Mr. Irving’s passing in 2016, he was the
                                   cheer, they worked tirelessly to elevate individuals from   largest donor in the history of New York-Presbyterian/
                                   all walks of life, and to encourage others to foster their   Columbia University Medical Center—a designation
                                   own dedication to civic life. Together, the Irvings would   that, beyond its extraordinary benevolence, signifed a
                                   pursue a massive philanthropic undertaking totaling   deep and abiding belief in helping others. The following
                                   over $1 billion in support to the Metropolitan Museum   year, Florence Irving announced that her husband had
                                   of Art, Columbia University Medical Center, and New   left an additional gift of more than $700 million to the
                                   York-Presbyterian Hospital, among other causes.   institution in his will, a donation that will reverberate
                                                                               across generations of patients and researchers. It is
                                   Across nearly three decades of patronage, Florence   telling that, whenever the Irvings spoke of Columbia
                                   and Herbert Irving became the largest benefactors of    and New York-Presbyterian, it was in terms of
                                   New York-Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical   friendships, relationships, and people. For the couple,
                                   Center, where their name can be found in association   the institution’s doctors, nurses, researchers, and staf
                                   with numerous professorships, faculty chairs, and   had become “adopted family,” said a Columbia oficial.
                                   clinical and research facilities, including the landmark   “Just as Alice Boney served as my parents’ tutor in Asian
                                   Columbia University Irving Medical Center. The couple’s   art,” Ron Irving observed, “their doctor friends were
                                   relationship with the institution began, much like   tutors for what mattered most in healthcare.”
                                   their journey in art, through friendship. A close family
                                   friend who was a doctor introduced the Irvings to   THE IRVING LEGACY
                                   Columbia, and Mr. Irving eventually underwent medical   When Florence Irving passed away in 2018, she and
                                   treatment at the hospital. “I felt a deep obligation to the   her husband were honored as two of New York’s
                                   institution,” he later explained, “with its talented doctors   most treasured civic leaders and philanthropists. The
                                   and nurses.” The Irvings’ frst major gifts to Columbia   Irvings’ inspiring trajectory—from modest Brooklyn
                                   came in the late 1980s—fnancial support that set the   roots to the pinnacle of entrepreneurial success—
                                   institution on course to become a national leader in   allowed them to build a better, more enlightened world.
                                   clinical research and treatment.            In their giving, the couple sought to elevate men and
                                                                               women from all backgrounds, and to share with others
                                   The Irvings enabled Columbia to evolve into one of   the Asian art that had so enriched their lives. “We have
                                   the world’s foremost medical institutions. Throughout   enjoyed the activity of collecting as much as we have
                                   the 1990s and into the 2000s, the couple amplifed   savored living with these works of art,” they wrote upon
                                   their connection to Columbia via personal leadership   their frst bequest to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
                                   and successive major gifts, endowing initiatives   “Now the pleasure is ours of sharing our collection with
                                   including the Irving Center for Clinical and Translational   the public.” This generous vision, built upon a loving
                                   Research; the Florence and Herbert Irving Clinical   partnership of over seventy-fve years, will forever
                                   Research Career Awards, known as the Irving Scholars;   defne the Irving legacy.

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