Page 129 - Sotheby's October 3 2017 Tantra Buddhost Art
P. 129

The Wheel of Perfect Bliss

The distinctive characteristics of this spectacular sculpture        of accomplished adepts, spiritual artists of universal liberation
clearly point to its origin at the celebrated monastery of           who have emanated waves of beauty through the millennia”.
Densatil, where a magnificent repository of sculptures made
in the Newari style was commissioned by Tibetan patrons              The importance of Chakrasamvara in the Kagyu school, to
from the 13th century onwards. Sensuously and expressively           which Densatil belonged, is fundamental. Jigten Gonpo (1143-
modelled, it is decorated with rich mercury gilding and              1217), considered the second abbot of Densatil after Phagmo
inset with multi-coloured gems. The tang protruding                  Drupa (1100-1170), is recorded as having had a vision of the
from the middle of the back of the Chakrasamvara would               Pure Crystal Mountain, situated in the Tibetan district of
indicate a placement in a larger setting, such as that seen in       Tsari, in which its peak was with Chakrasamvara standing in
photographs taken of a tashi gomang stupa at Densatil in 1948        a heavenly palace surrounded by a retinue of 2,800 deities.
by the Italian photographer Pietro Mele, who accompanied             An inscribed thangka in the Rubin Museum of Art, dated ca.
Giuseppe Tucci on his expedition to Tibet, as illustrated in         1200, depicts Chakrasamvara and Vajrayogini standing on a
Pietro Francesco Mele, Tibet, Calcutta, 1975, and reproduced         lotus throne, encircled by the footprints of Jigten Gonpo, is
in Olaf Czaja and Adriana Proser, Golden Visions of Densatil: A      illustrated in Olaf Czaja and Adriana Proser, Golden Visions of
Tibetan Buddhist Monastery, New York, 2014, pp. 20-21.               Densatil: A Tibetan Buddhist Monastery, New York, 2014, pp.
                                                                     176-177, cat. no. 46.
Key stylistic elements on the current figure can also be seen
in the 1948 photograph of similarly conceived sculptures             Compare the rich gilding, the colored stone insets and the full
in situ, including the precise articulation of the garlands of       volumes of fragments probably from the Densatil monastery,
dripping human heads, clearly visible in images of Vajravarahi,      see Amy Heller, Tibetan Art: Tracing the Development of
the skulls on the crown band, the naturalistic rendering of the      Spiritual Ideals and Art in Tibet, 600-2000 A.D., Milan, 1999,
bodies, with the athletic movement on their multi-arms and           pp. 158-159, pls 83-84. Compare also a circa fourteenth
legs, and the long flowing jewellery with distinctive treatment      century Tibetan gilt copper group depicting Vajradhara and
of the earrings, bracelets and armlets.                              prajna, see Ulrich von Schroeder, Indo-Tibetan Bronzes,
                                                                     Hong Kong, 1981, p. 330, pl. XII and p. 365, fig 98E. For
Chakrasamvara and Vajravarahi are depicted engaging in the           another gilt-bronze figure of Chakrasamvara of comparable
perfect union of wisdom and compassion in this dramatic              quality and stature, see the example in the Capital Museum,
and powerful sculpture. The statue serves as a device for            Beijing, designated as from Densatil Monastery, illustrated
the visualisation of the Chakrasamvara tantra, a secret              on Himalayan Art Resources, item no. 59818. Compare
treatise with its origin in medieval eastern India, used by          also the subtle variations in crown design, bone ornaments,
practitioners to increase their ability to attain the ultimate goal  stone and glass inlay, beaded pearls on the lotus pedestal,
of Enlightenment; for a succinct discussion on the content of        and supine figures underfoot with another gilt-bronze figure
the tantra, see John C. Huntington & Dina Bangdel, The Circle        of Chakrasamvara and Vajravarahi, dated to the fifteenth
of Bliss: Buddhist Meditational Art, Columbus, 2003, pp. 264-        century, sold in our New York rooms, 15th March 2015, lot
268, where Robert A. F. Thurman notes in the foreword, p. 11:        1029, and now in an important American collection.

“The arts and sciences of this Tantra are amongst the most           Chakramsavara and Vajravarahi wear the tantric adornments
extraordinary things in world culture, products of a tradition       of the six bone ornaments representing the six paramitas or

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