Page 152 - Sotheby's October 3 2017 Tantra Buddhost Art
P. 152



A COPPER ALLOY FIGURE OF                                          十至十一世紀
PADMAPANI LOKESHVARA                                              西藏西部銅合金蓮花手觀音立像
CENTURY                                                           喜瑪拉雅藝術資源網編號13436

the deity standing with the right arm raised in abhayamudra,      來源:
the left hand lowered and holding a curved stem of uptala         納思禮.赫拉莫內克泛亞收藏,1972年以前
lotuses rising up to the shoulder, wearing a dhoti incised with   安思遠收藏,紐約
foliate bands and fastened with a sash falling to the sides,      紐約佳士得2006年3月30日,編號164
further embellished with beaded jewellery, the face with a
benevolent expression, the hair gathered into a high chignon      出版:
with strands of braided hair falling down either side of the      Chandra Reedy,《Himalyan Bronzes: Technology, Style and
shoulders, surmounted by a tripartite crown, traces of blue       Choices》,倫敦,1997年,頁187,編號W130
polychromy in the hair

Himalayan Art Resources item no. 13436
25.3 cm, 10 in.


Collection of Nasli Heeramaneck, the Pan-Asian Collection,
prior to 1972.
Collection of Robert Hatfield Ellsworth, New York.
Christie’s New York, 30th March 2006, lot 164.


Chandra Reedy, Himalayan Bronzes: Technology, Style and
Choices, London, 1997, p. 187, cat. no. W130.

HK$ 260,000-360,000
US$ 33,300-46,100

The following six lots emanate from the collection of a scholar   此尊以及下列五件拍品出自私人名家寶蓄,藏家飽覽萬卷,
who has formed his collection with a true eye for quality,        品味超卓,環蒐歐、美、亞洲,僅求佳例,其喜馬拉雅佛教
acquiring sculptures of the highest quality in America,           藝術珍藏,琳瑯博深,自珍稀至極之東印度作明佛母像、藏
Europe and Asia, forming a truly comprehensive overview           西早期蓮花手觀音、丹薩替寺造像遺珍,至大明王朝造威武
of Himalayan Buddhist art. From the outstanding and               莊嚴之大威德金剛像,跨數百年藏傳佛教史,集各朝經典之
extremely rare Pala Kurukulla from Eastern India, through         粹,所呈拍品古雅隽美,多為名家遞藏,如新田棟一、安思
to the early Padmapani from Western Tibet, traversing past        遠、赫拉莫內克及 Capelo,源遠流長,非凡難得。
the fragmentary legacy of Densatil monastery, and finally to
the extraordinarily powerful large figure of Yamantaka from
Ming China, this is a journey that encapsulates the origin and
path of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. The collector was not
only fastidious in selecting sculptures of a lustrous patina,
as demonstrated by the rich copper body of the Kurukulla
and the gorgeous Kashmiri-style patina of the Padmapani,
but also perspicacious in acquiring those with truly illustrious
provenances, which in this small section include the names of
Heeramaneck, Ellsworth, Nitta and Capelo.

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