Page 176 - Sotheby's October 3 2017 Tantra Buddhost Art
P. 176


AN INSCRIBED EARLY                                               十二至十三世紀
COPPER-INLAID BRONZE                                             西藏銅錯紅銅銘文釋迦牟尼佛
FIGURE OF SHAKYAMUNI                                             坐像
TIBET, 12TH – 13TH CENTURY                                       喜瑪拉雅藝術資源網編號13433

seated in vajraparyankasana on a double-lotus                    來源:
throne with beaded edges, the right hand extended in             Arnold Lieberman,紐約,2000年代中
bhumisparshamudra and the left in dhyanamudra, wearing a
sanghati gathered on one shoulder, the robe bordered with a      展覽:
copper hem incised with foliate scrolls, the serene face with a  《Buddha: 2000 Years of Buddhist Art, 232 Masterpieces》
meditative expression and downcast eyes, flanked by a pair of    ,鋼鐵廠世界遺產區,弗爾克林根,2016年6月25日-2017年2
long pendulous ears, the head and domed ushnisha covered         月19日
with tight curls and surmounted by an ovoid jewel, with          《Buddha: 108 Encounters》,法蘭克福應用藝術博物館,法
Tibetan inscriptions on the reverse of the base and the back of  蘭克福,2015年2月26日-6月7日
the figure
Himalayan Art Resources item no. 13433                           Meinrad Maria Grewenig 及 Eberhard Rist 等編,《Buddha:
29.8 cm, 11¾ in.                                                 2000 Years of Buddhist Art, 232 Masterpieces》,弗爾克林
PROVENANCE                                                       Stephan von der Schulenberg 等,《Buddha: 108
Arnold Lieberman, New York, mid 2000s.


Buddha: 2000 Years of Buddhist Art, 232 Masterpieces,
Völklinger Hütte World Heritage, Völklingen, 25th June 2016-
19th February 2017.
Buddha: 108 Encounters, Museum Angewandte Kunst,
Frankfurt, 26th February-7th June 2015.


Meinrad Maria Grewenig and Eberhard Rist, eds, Buddha:
2000 Years of Buddhist Art, 232 Masterpieces, Völklingen,
2016, pp. 358-359, cat. no. 152.
Stephan von der Schulenberg, et al., Buddha: 108 Encounters,
Frankfurt, 2015, pp. 274-275, cat. no. 86.

HK$ 1,500,000-2,500,000
US$ 192,000-320,000

      Inscriptions 銘文

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