Page 18 - Sotheby's October 3 2017 Tantra Buddhost Art
P. 18
Introduction: By the Collector
I have been asked to write a few words to serve as a preface Perhaps as a normal extension or outgrowth of my own religious
and as an explanation of the ‘raison d’etre’ of the Nyingjei beliefs as well as my deep respect for the Buddhist notion of
Lam Collection or, to put it simply, to explain what it was that active compassion, I have over the past thirty years broadened
first prompted a Roman Catholic of Irish-American origin who the initial purpose of my forming the Nyingjei Lam Collection
has spent most of his life living among the Chinese to begin to encompass such practical charitable work as paying the
collecting ‘Tibetan Buddhist and related art’. educational expenses of needy boys and girls in Hong Kong,
China, India, Nepal, etc., building school wings, houses, toilets,
As those familiar with the Tibetan language know,‘Nyingjei Lam’ paying medical expenses for the needy, providing care for the
means ‘the Path of Compassion’ or ‘the Compassionate Path’. aged, etc. As these charitable works have grown in volume and
Looking back over forty years ago to when I began to form the scope, I have found it increasingly difficult to fulfil my obligations
Nyingjei Lam Collection, I realise that it was a combination of to the recipients and it is for this reason that I have asked
things that drew me towards Tibetan Buddhist and related art. Sotheby’s Hong Kong to help me sell a part of the Nyingjei Lam
The first and perhaps the most compelling of these was the Collection of Buddhist Art.
compassionate smiles that radiated from the faces of many of
the statues of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, saints and lamas that Over the years, many people have helped in the formation of the
I saw. To me, these were not foolish, empty smiles, but rather Nyingjei Lam Collection and in the exhibitions that have been
smiles that reflected an inner freedom, peace and joy, while held at the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford and the Rubin Museum,
also bringing peace and joy to the hearts and minds of their New York since 1999. I should especially like to thank Anna Maria
beholders. Rossi, a truly warm-hearted and remarkable woman without
whose generous and unselfish efforts the loaning of the Nyingjei
In my childhood I had seen such smiles of ecstasy on the faces Lam Collection to the Ashmolean and Rubin Museums would
of the statues and paintings of Jesus, our Blessed Lady, the never have been possible. I should also like to thank Fabio Rossi
angels and the saints and I had learnt that the central message for his many efforts on behalf of the Nyingjei Lam Collection and
of Christianity is love, an unselfish, all-encompassing love, an David Weldon and Jane Casey Singer for choosing the items
unconditional giving of oneself to God and one’s fellow-beings which were exhibited and for writing such a wonderful catalogue
that appears foolish to many, but which in reality brings a to accompany the exhibition.
freedom, joy and wealth of spirit that no material objects could
possibly bring. Prompted by the smiles on the faces of the I am also extremely grateful to Dr Andrew Topsfield of the
Tibetan Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, saints and lamas, I read all that Ashmolean Museum for his great help and encouragement and
I could about Buddhism and especially Tibetan Buddhism. Soon I regard it as a singular honour that the Nyingjei Lam Collection
I discovered that just as in Christianity, in Buddhism the source, was exhibited at the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, one of the
the starting point, the path to true freedom and happiness is most ancient and venerable universities in Christendom. I am
love, in this case a love called ‘compassion’ which is defined also greatly appreciative of the care dedicated to the collection
as an active striving to free all beings, including ourselves, by Jeff Watt especially and the other world-renowned curators
from suffering. It is this path of compassion that leads to true of the Rubin Museum, New York, where the collection has been
happiness and enlightenment. Moreover, as in the case of St housed since 2005.
Francis of Assisi, in Buddhism this love or compassion is to be
directed not only towards our fellow human beings, but also I should also like to thank the many Tibetans who have extended
to every sentient being, no matter how small or insignificant it their friendship to me and have helped me in many ways over
might appear. the years. I should especially like to thank my Tibetan teacher,
Sonam Palden, and the late Lithang Phulu, my mentor in all
Perhaps the second thing which drew me towards Tibetan things pertaining to Tibet and Tibetan art for their invaluable
Buddhist and related art was an ever-increasing interest in the advice and help.
Tibetan people themselves and a sympathy with their history,
culture and way of life, which in many ways reminded me of my I should also like to take this opportunity to offer a special word of
ancestors, the Irish. For both peoples, religion permeates daily thanks to Dr Pratapaditya Pal, who, through his many scholarly
life and brings a strength, joy and solace known only to those who yet very readable works on Tibetan and related Buddhist art,
truly share their faith. Both are also a gregarious people, much was my earliest and foremost teacher and who has done more
given to storytelling, singing and dancing, and a drop or two of than any living person to make Tibetan and all of Himalayan art
spirits from time to time. Both, too, are heirs and heiresses of a known to the modern world.
brilliant culture, with a vast literature and music of its own. For
the majority of the Irish, unfortunately, much was lost when the Finally, I sincerely hope that those who come to view these
language of their ancestors ceased to be their language of daily objects from the Nyingjei Lam Collection will not regard them
communication. Let us hope that Tibetan culture and language as mere metal, wooden or stone artifacts, but will rather see in
continues to be preserved and respected. each a tangible manifestation of the religious spirit of the Tibetan
people and of the quality that they most cherish, compassion.
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