Page 232 - Sotheby's October 3 2017 Tantra Buddhost Art
P. 232



A SUPERBLY CAST GILT-                                             明宣德 鎏金銅觀音菩薩坐像
AVALOKITESHVARA                                                   來源:
MING DYNASTY, XUANDE                                              Colonel Robert Coleman Hall Brock(1861-1909年)及 Alice
PERIOD                                                            Gibson(1861-1925年)收藏,費城,賓夕法尼亞州
                                                                  Henry Gibson Brock(1886-1940年)及 Margaret Cust
seated in rajalilasana with the right arm rested on the raised    Burgwin(1926-1961年)收藏,Muncy,賓夕法尼亞州,後於
right leg, wearing an ornate dhoti tied with a bejewelled belt    家族傳承
with radiating tassels, falling into a voluminous hem heavily     紐約佳士得2014年9月18/19日,編號1025
embellished with bands of florets and foliate scrolls, the chest
similarly adorned with beaded necklaces, draped around the
shoulders and arms with a goat pelt falling into heavy swags
on the reverse, the face with a benevolent expression detailed
with downcast eyes and a benign smile, crowned by a five-
leaf diadem before a high chignon set with a seated figure of
Amitabha Buddha, stand
26 cm, 10¼ in.


Collection of Colonel Robert Coleman Hall Brock (1861-1909)
and Alice Gibson (1861-1925), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Collection of Henry Gibson Brock (1886-1940) and Margaret
Cust Burgwin (1926-1961), Muncy, Pennsylvania, and thence
by family descent.
Christie’s New York, 18th/19th September 2014, lot 1025.

HK$ 8,000,000-12,000,000
US$ 1,030,000-1,540,000

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