Page 38 - Sotheby's October 3 2017 Tantra Buddhost Art
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TIBET, 11TH – 12TH CENTURY 喜瑪拉雅藝術資源網編號68436

the right hand held in varadamudra with a lotus on his palm,    展覽:
the left holding a lotus stalk, wearing a shawl with finely     阿什莫林博物館,牛津,1996-2005年借展
detailed lozenges draped across the torso, with a tripartite    《The Sculptural Heritage of Tibet: Buddhist Art in the
crown adorned with the figure of Amitabha in the centre         Nyingjei Lam Collection》,阿什莫林博物館,牛津,1999年
Himalayan Art Resources item no. 68436                          《Arte Buddhista Tibetana: Dei e Demoni dell’ Himalaya》
10.4 cm, 4⅛ in.                                                 ,Palazzo Bricherasio,都靈,2004年6-9月
EXHIBITED                                                       《Casting the Divine: Sculptures of the Nyingjei Lam
Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 1996-2005, on loan.
The Sculptural Heritage of Tibet: Buddhist Art in the Nyingjei  出版:
Lam Collection, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, October-              David Weldon 及 Jane Casey Singer,《The Sculptural
December 1999.                                                  Heritage of Tibet: Buddhist Art in the Nyingje Lam
Arte Buddhista Tibetana: Dei e Demoni dell’ Himalaya,           Collection》,倫敦,1999年,圖38
Palazzo Bricherasio, Turin, June-September 2004.                Franco Ricca,《Arte Buddhista Tibetana: Dei e Demoni dell’
Rubin Museum of Art, New York, 2005-2017, on loan.              Himalaya》,都靈,2004年,圖16
Casting the Divine: Sculptures of the Nyingjei Lam Collection,
Rubin Museum of Art, New York, 2012-2013.

LITERATURE                                                      Compare the tripartite crown, jewellery, posture, tubular
                                                                limbs, and patterned shawl draped across the torso with
David Weldon and Jane Casey Singer, The Sculptural Heritage     illustrations on a ninth century Tibetan book cover depicting
of Tibet: Buddhist Art in the Nyingjei Lam Collection, London,  Buddhist deities; see Pratapaditya Pal, Himalayas: An
1999, fig. 38.                                                  Aesthetic Adventure, Chicago, 2003, p. 168, cat. no. 107 and
Franco Ricca, Arte Buddhista Tibetana: Dei e Demoni dell’       also with illustrations on a Thakuri period manuscript, see Rob
Himalaya, Turin, 2004, fig. 16.                                 Linrothe, Holy Madness: Portraits of Tantric Siddhas, New
                                                                York, 2006, pp. 184-187, cat. nos 2 and 3a-d.
HK$ 400,000-600,000
US$ 51,500-77,000

                                                                Other view

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