Page 56 - Sotheby's October 3 2017 Tantra Buddhost Art
P. 56

This fine portrait of an unidentified Buddhist hierarch presents   此高僧像雖身分未明,造型精細,儀容莊嚴。一如西藏佛教
a gracefully executed homage. Per the tradition of Tibetan         造像傳統,本像呈現個人面貌特徵及個性:短髮、張目、耳
portraiture, the quirks and personal characteristics of the        長垂珠、唇形精緻、體態修長。其雙目、內袍、袈裟下擺聯
lama are strongly defined: the short crop of hair, the wideset     珠邊錯銀;唇、指甲、袈裟下擺刻飾及下方頭冠部分錯紅
eyes, the pendulous earlobes, the fine lines around the mouth,     銅。
and the slender physique. His countenance is elegantly
heightened with bright silver inlay to the eyes, the inner robe    本像盤坐橢圓蓮座,下承嵌寶雙獅階梯台座,可參考另一相
and the beaded hem of the outer robe, and with copper inlay        類十三世紀佛教高僧像,克里夫蘭博物館藏,見 Jane Casey
at the lips, fingernails, the incised hem of the outer robe, and   Singer 編,《The Sculptural Heritage of Tibet: Buddhist Art
on the lower throne elements.                                      in the Nyingjei Lam Collection》,倫敦,1999年,頁35,圖
For another example of an ovoid lotus pedestal atop a              藏銅像已有飾鑲寶石。
stepped throne, further inlaid with semi-precious stones and
adorned with addorsed lions, compare the current work with         再比較其他十三至十四世紀西藏金剛薩埵及金剛手菩薩銅
a thirteenth century sculpture depicting a Buddhist hierarch       像,為菩薩道收藏,出處同上,頁60,圖24及頁98,圖版16
in the Cleveland Museum collection, see Jane Casey Singer,         。另一十四世紀帕竹噶舉喇嘛像,見 Donald Dinwiddie 編,
et al., The Sculptural Heritage of Tibet: Buddhist Art in the      《Portraits of the Masters: Bronze Sculptures of the Tibetan
Nyingjei Lam Collection, London, 1999, p. 35, fig. 51. The         Buddhist Lineages》,芝加哥,2003年,頁186,編號42。
presence of semi-precious stone inlay in both the present
work and the Cleveland hierarch demonstrate the use of stone
inlay in early Tibetan bronzes

Compare also the throne architecture to additional thirteenth/
fourteenth century Tibetan bronze figures depicting
Vajrasattva and Chanda Vajrapani from the Nyingjei Lam
Collection, ibid., p. 60, fig. 24 and p. 98, pl. 16; as well as a
fourteenth century figure of a Pagdru Kagyu lama, see Donald
Dinwiddie, ed., Portraits of the Masters: Bronze Sculptures of
the Tibetan Buddhist Lineages, Chicago, 2003, p. 186, cat. no.

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