Page 88 - Sotheby's October 3 2017 Tantra Buddhost Art
P. 88
This commanding sculpture is likely to have been made in 十三至十四世紀之際,西藏造像風格得東印度傳統影響,日
central Tibet during the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, 臻成熟,自成一格,此像應造於當時西藏中部。匠人靈活運
when the eastern Indian traditions were gradually assimilating 用傳自帕拉地區之錯紅銅、銀技法,鑲嵌白毫、眼、唇、指
into this uniquely Tibetan sculptural style. The elegant use of 甲及衣襟,相互輝映,巧工奪目。
copper and silver inlay is inherited from the Pala sculptural
schools, to powerful effect. The eyes are inlaid with silver, the 參考一件十三世紀釋迦牟尼佛像,眼部及衣沿之錯銀工法、
lips and fingernails delicately inlaid with copper, and the hems 飽滿身形及比例,與此例相近,刊載於烏爾裡希.馮.施羅
of the Buddha’s diaphanous open robe is edged with silver 德,《西藏佛教雕塑》,香港,2001年,卷2,頁1172,編
beading and a copper-inlaid foliate motif. 號313B。
Compare the facial features; the use of inlay at the eyes and 此像右手作觸地印,出自佛陀於菩提樹下降魔證道之典故。
embellished hem; the gently swelling torso and the overall
physical proportions with another thirteenth century bronze
figure of Shakyamuni, see Ulrich von Schroeder, Buddhist
Sculptures in Tibet, Hong Kong, 2001, vol. II, p. 1172, cat no.
Having vowed to remain in meditation until he penetrated the
mysteries of existence, Shakyamuni was visited by Mara, a
demon associated with the veils and distractions of mundane
existence. The Buddha remained unmoved by the diversions
with which Mara sought to deflect him from his goal.
According to some traditional accounts, Mara’s final assault
consisted of an attempt to undermine Shakyamuni’s sense
of worthiness by questioning his entitlement to seek the lofty
goal of spiritual enlightenment and the consequent freedom
from rebirth.
Aided by spirits who reminded him of the countless
compassionate efforts he had made on behalf of sentient
beings throughout his numerous animal and human
incarnations, Shakyamuni recognised that it was his destiny
to be poised on the threshold of enlightenment. In response
to Mara’s query Shakyamuni moved his right hand from the
meditation position in his lap and touched the ground, stating
‘The earth is my witness’.
This act of unwavering resolve caused Mara and his army of
demons and temptresses to disperse, leaving Shakyamuni
to experience his great enlightenment. The thunderbolt
sceptre (vajra) that appears on the lotus throne before the
figure refers to the adamantine site (vajrasana) at Bodh
Gaya, which is said to have been empowered to expedite his
86 SOTHEBY’S 蘇富比