Page 96 - Sotheby's October 3 2017 Tantra Buddhost Art
P. 96


A BRONZE FIGURE OF                                                十六至十七世紀
SIMHAMUKHA                                                        西藏銅獅面空行佛母立像

TIBET, 16TH – 17TH CENTURY 喜瑪拉雅藝術資源網編號68316

dancing in ardhaparyankasana with the left foot trampling a       展覽:
supine figure and the right knee bent and supported on an         阿什莫林博物館,牛津,2002-2005年借展
utpala stalk, all atop a lotus base with a beaded upper edge,     《Arte Buddhista Tibetana: Dei e Demoni dell’ Himalaya》
the raised right hand holding a kartrika and the left hand        ,Palazzo Bricherasio,都靈,2004年6-9月
holding a kapala filled with roiling amrita, adorned with beaded  魯賓藝術博物館,紐約,2005-2017年借展
jewellery and a garland of severed human heads, with fangs        《Casting the Divine: Sculptures of the Nyingjei Lam
bared and tongue curled, wearing a crown of five skulls with      Collection》,魯賓藝術博物館,紐約,2012-2013年
fiery billowing tresses

Himalayan Art Resources item no. 68316
14.7 cm, 5¾ in.


Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 2002-2005, on loan.
Arte Buddhista Tibetana: Dei e Demoni dell’ Himalaya,
Palazzo Bricherasio, Turin, June-September 2004.
Rubin Museum of Art, New York, 2005-2017, on loan.
Casting the Divine: Sculptures of the Nyingjei Lam Collection,
Rubin Museum of Art, New York, 2012-2013.

HK$ 300,000-500,000
US$ 38,400-64,000

94 SOTHEBY’S 蘇富比
   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101