Page 78 - Songde Tang Collection , Song ceramics Hong Kong Dec 3 2021
P. 78


         A FINE AND RARE LARGE            PROVENANCE                       北宋   定窯劃花牡丹紋葵口大盌
         DING INCISED ‘PEONY’             An important Hong Kong family collection  來源
         LOBED BOWL                       EXHIBITED                        重要香港家族珍藏
                                          University Museum and Art Gallery, The
         NORTHERN SONG DYNASTY (960-1127)  University of Hong Kong, The Multiplicity   展覽
         The interior is freely incised with a peony   of Simplicity - Monochrome wares from the
         blossom borne on leafy stems, and the bowl   Song to the Yuan dynasties, 2012, no. 25  香港大學美術博物館 ,《大繁若簡 - 宋金元朝
         is covered inside and out with a smooth                           的單色釉瓷》,2012 年,圖版 25 號
         white glaze. The mouth rim is mounted with   A Ding bowl of similar form and incised   此盌釉質白潤,胎體輕薄,盌內刻劃一折枝盛
         a metal band.                    decoration is in the National Palace
                                          Museum, Taipei, and illustrated by Tsai
         9æ in. (25 cm.) diam., Japanese wood box  Meifen, Decorated Porcelains of Dingzhou:   放單朵牡丹,全器紋飾以線狀直刀淺刻,並以
                                          White Ding Wares from the Collection of   齒狀邊緣修飾花葉,其刻劃風格與常見的定窯
         HK$1,200,000-1,800,000           the National Palace Museum, Taipei, 2014,
                                          p. 75. Another closely related dish with   刀淺刻裝飾的定窯瓷器 , 傳世數量較少。
         US$160,000-230,000               similar carved peony decoration is in the   台北故宮博物院藏有一近似的定窯刻花牡丹紋
                                          Grandidier Collection in the Musee Guimet,
                                          Paris illustrated in Oriental Ceramics, The   大盌,著錄於《定州花瓷:院藏定窯系白瓷特
                                          World's Great Collections, Vol. 7 - Musée   展》,國立故宮博物院 ,2014 年,頁 75。
                                          Guimet, Paris, 1981, no. 28.
                                                                           著錄於《Oriental Ceramics, The World Great
                                                                           Collections - Vol. 8, Musée Guimet》,巴黎,
                                                                           1976 年,黑白圖 28;另一件與本拍品外形及

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