Page 20 - 2020 October 8 HK Fine Classical Paintings
P. 20
with shallow rounded sides divided into twelve bracket
foliations, rising from a short circular tapered foot to a barbed
everted rim, superbly painted in shades of cobalt blue with
‘heaping and piling’, the interior with a central peony bloom
wreathed by meandering scrolls of lotus, hibiscus, camellia
and gardenia, surrounded by detached sprays of peony,
chrysanthemum, pomegranate, hibiscus, morning glory and
lotus, each repeated twice and paired across the dish, all within
a border of scrolling ruyi heads, the exterior similarly painted
38 cm, 15 in.
HK$ 3,000,000-5,000,000
US$ 388,000-650,000
The present dish is a fine example of the technical 此永樂青花盤雅致流麗,乃明初瓷匠技術發展成就之
developments achieved by potters during the early Ming 佳證。十四世紀,花繁枝盛之牡丹或蓮紋甚風行,但
dynasty. One of the most striking decorative innovations of 至十五世紀初,較細緻且富變化的折枝花卉代替纏枝
early 15th century wares was the use of separate floral sprays
in the cavettos instead of the continuous scroll. The heavy 花卉作為內壁圖案,化繁為簡,乃瓷藝紋飾發展史上
wreath of lotus or peony found on 14th century dishes gave 的一大創新。盤內壁紋飾,一般以六折枝花卉為一
way to a series of delicate and more varied motifs. Two sets of 組,重複一回共繪兩組,是以相同的花卉一般落在對
six flower sprays were commonly repeated so that each pair of 角兩端。
flowers sat diagonally opposite each other.
A closely related dish in the National Palace Museum, Taipei, 台北故宮博物院藏一相類作例,曾展於《明代初年瓷
was included in the Special Exhibition of Early Ming Period 器特展》,故宮博物院,台北,1982年,編號37。另
Porcelain, National Palace Museum, Taipei, 1982, cat. no. 37;
one in the National Museum of China is published in Zhongguo 一例存於中國國家博物館,載於《中國國家博物館
Guojia Bowuguan guancang wenwu yanjiu congshu/Studies 館藏文物研究叢書:瓷器卷(明代)》,上海,2007
on the Collections of the National Museum of China, Ciqi juan: 年,圖版20。倫敦大英博物館亦有一例,刊錄於霍
Mingdai [Porcelain section: Ming dynasty], Shanghai, 2007, 吉淑,《Ming Ceramics in the British Museum》,倫
pl. 20; another in the British Museum, London, is illustrated in 敦,2001年,圖版3:35。第四例則見於康蕊君,《玫茵
Jessica Harrison-Hall, Ming Ceramics in the British Museum, 堂中國瓷器》,卷2,倫敦,1994年,圖版663,2013年
London, 2001, pl. 3:35; and a fourth example, published in
Regina Krahl, Chinese Ceramics from the Meiyintang Collection, 4月8日於香港蘇富比售出,編號20。另有三例出自阿
vol. 2, London, 1994, pl. 663, was sold in these rooms, 8th 德比爾寺,現存德黑蘭伊朗國家博物館,刊錄於 John
April 2013, lot 20. Three further dishes from the Ardabil Alexander Pope,《Chinese Porcelains from the Ardebil
Shrine in the National Museum of Iran, Tehran, are included Shrine》,華盛頓,1956年,圖版35。大英博物館藏
in John Alexander Pope, Chinese Porcelains from the Ardebil 例,與一土耳其伊茲尼克仿造之陶盤,同錄於羅森,
Shrine, Washington, D.C., 1956, pl. 35; and a dish in the British
Museum is shown next to a related pottery copy from Iznik in 《Chinese Ornament. The Lotus and the Dragon》,倫
Turkey in Jessica Rawson, Chinese Ornament. The Lotus and 敦,1984年,圖版163。也可參考故宮舊藏,如台北故
the Dragon, London, 1984, pl. 163. See also a dish of this type 宮博物院藏例,圖見於《適於心—明代永樂皇帝的瓷
in the National Palace Museum, Taipei, included in Pleasingly 器》,台北,2017年,頁70-71。
Pure and Lustrous: Porcelains from the Yongle Reign of the
Ming Dynasty. Guidebook, Taipei, 2017, pp. 70-71.
Although examples of this exact design have not been 層有出土同類大盤,上繪圖案與此亦近,如《景德鎮
recorded from the excavations of the Ming imperial kiln site,
similar large dishes of this form, painted with related designs, 珠山出土永樂官窰瓷器》,首都博物館,北京,2007
have come to light in the Yongle stratum of the site; see, for 年,編號68。
example, the dish included in the exhibition Yongle Imperial
Porcelain Excavated at Zhushan, Jingdezhen, Capital Museum,
Beijing, 2007, cat. no. 68.