Page 112 - Chinese Art From Two American Collections, April 5, 2017 Hong Kong
P. 112

In their elegant simplicity and association with antiquity, this   Similar saucers include two from the Sir Percival David
pair of dishes is characteristic of porcelains made during the     Foundation, now on loan to the British Museum, London,
Yongzheng period. Yellow was highly favoured by the court          published in Illustrated Catalogue of Ming and Qing
due to its direct imperial association. Although imperial yellow-  Monochrome Wares in the Percival David Foundation of
glazed wares had been produced from the early Ming dynasty,        Chinese Art, London, 1989, nos B 543-4; a pair included in John
they were used exclusively for ritual ceremonies: thus the         Ayers, The Baur Collection, Geneva, Chinese Ceramics, vol. 3,
lemon-yellow colour provided the court with an alternative for     Geneva, 1972, pls A489-492; another from the Goldschmidt
daily use.                                                         Collection and later in the Tsui Museum of Art, Hong Kong,
                                                                   sold in these rooms, 13th November 1990, lot 67, and again
Monochrome porcelain wares, particularly those of lighter          at Christie’s Hong Kong, 3rd November 1996, lot 559; and
hue, were one of the most challenging types to produce as          a further pair, from the Meiyintang Collection, illustrated in
the smallest imperfection in the clay, potting, firing or glazing  Regina Krahl, Chinese Ceramics from the Meiyintang Collection,
resulted in the piece being destroyed. The bright yellow colour    vol. 2, London, 1994, pl. 909, and sold in these rooms, 1st April
of these dishes, derived from lead antimonate, perfectly           2011, lot 27.
complements the unassuming curved form.

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