Page 118 - Chinese Art From Two American Collections, April 5, 2017 Hong Kong
P. 118
This fine bowl belongs to a rare group of porcelain enamelled 此盌外壁施胭脂紅彩,色澤深沉,甚為珍罕。康熙晚期,
with a striking deep ruby enamel on the exterior. This attractive 景德鎮御廠彩瓷發展迅速,無論單色釉、彩瓷千姿百態,
colour began to be used at Jingdezhen in the latter years of 令人歎為觀止,胭脂紅堪為當時最具創新意義彩釉。儘管
the Kangxi reign and quickly revolutionised the palette of 歐洲麥森及塞弗爾窰廠比康熙窰匠早數年使用胭脂紅彩,
colours used on Chinese porcelain. It documents the Chinese 但御廠迅速並穩定地掌握了胭脂紅彩燒製。胭脂紅以黃金
craftsmen’s ability quickly to perfect a technique that had 著色,加入玻璃粉末,減少膠體金和錫量的比例,使胭脂
been developed only a few years earlier in Europe and used at 紅彩燒製比歐洲產品更為穩定、均勻。
the Meissen and Sevres factories. By using ground ruby glass,
reducing the proportion of colloidal gold and the amount of tin, 胭脂紅器多見於雍正朝,帶乾隆款者如鳳毛麟角。一近例
the Chinese craftsmen were able to overcome the instability 蓋盌,屬竹月堂收藏,載於《五色瓊霞 : 竹月堂藏元明清
and unevenness that characterised European versions of this 一道釉瓷器》,香港中文大學文物館,香港,2005年,編
enamel. 號51。另一例售於香港佳士得2011年6月1日,編號3539
While bowls of this type are well known from the Yongzheng 一撇口盌售於紐約蘇富比1975年4月24日,編號341。見
reign, those with Qianlong marks and of the period are 一乾隆款盃,屬 H.M. Knight 舊藏,售於香港蘇富比1979
relatively rare; a closely related bowl with its matching cover 年11月29日,編號335。
from the Zhuyuetang Collection was included in the exhibition
Shimmering Colours. Monochromes of the Yuan to Qing 可作比較一例,底書雍正款,色彩同樣深沉,曾展於《中
Periods:the Zhuyuetang collection, Art Museum, Chinese 國名陶日本巡迴展》,台北,1993年,頁177。另一例兩
University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2005, cat. no. 51; 次售香港蘇富比1995年10月31日,編號;2001年10月29
another was sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 1st June 2011, lot 日,編號577。
3539; a slightly larger pair was sold in these rooms, 2nd May
2005, lot 684; and a lipped bowl was sold in our New York
rooms, 24th April 1975, lot 341. See also a Qianlong mark and
period ruby-glazed cup, from the H.M. Knight Collection, sold
in these rooms, 29th November 1979, lot 335.
For the prototype of this type of bowl, compare a Yongzheng
mark and period bowl covered in a similarly rich ruby
enamel, included in a travelling exhibition organised by the
National Museum of History, Taipei, and illustrated in the
commemorative catalogue Zhongguo ming tao Riben xunhui
zhan [Travelling exhibition in Japan of famous Chinese
ceramics], Taipei, 1993, p. 177; and another sold twice in these
rooms, 31st October 1995, lot 415, and 29th October 2001, lot
116 SOTHEBY’S 蘇富比