Page 25 - Chinese Art From Two American Collections, April 5, 2017 Hong Kong
P. 25
This attractive vase belongs to a distinctive group of Junyao 此瓶連鏤空底座,屬鈞瓷特有器形,紫斑灑彩顏色絢麗,
vases supported on pierced pedestals, which were made in 由紅入紫漸變多姿,精美絕倫。見一相關瓶例,器形稍
imitation of stands with cabriole legs. The present example is 大,寬口外撇,飾雙魚耳,售於倫敦蘇富比1987年6月9
particularly notable for its splendid colouration which displays 日,編號170。另見一對較大花口瓶例,售於倫敦蘇富比
a range of red and lavender tones. A related vase of slightly 1991年12月13日,編號139。亦可比一天藍釉瓶例,無紫
larger size, but modelled with a wide everted rim and fish- 斑,售於倫敦蘇富比2003年11月12日,編號68,並錄於
shaped handles, was sold in our London rooms, 9th June 1987, 《關氏所藏宋代陶瓷》,香港藝術館,香港,1994年,
lot 170; and a much larger pair of vases, but with scalloped 編號48。
mouths, was sold in our London rooms, 13th December 1991,
lot 139. Compare also a similar vase but lacking the splashes, 天藍釉紫斑鈞瓷灑彩筆觸具書法氣韻,逸然隨性,釉色華
included in the exhibition Song Ceramics from the Kwan 麗多變,甚為文人貴族所喜。柯玫瑰於其著作中曾指出,
Collection, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong, 1994, cat. 鈞窰紫斑乃是待天藍釉乾燥後以粗筆灑銅料而成,燒製時
no. 48 and sold in our London rooms, 12th November 2003, 即與天藍釉相融成紫斑,見《Song Dynasty Ceramics》
lot 68. ,倫敦,2004年,頁34。河南鈞窰雖以紫斑鈞瓷聞名,然
The attractive splashes on Junyao ware had an immense
appeal to the literati and nobility of the time due to their 此類紫斑鈞瓷瓶亦見無耳例,如一稍大例,為 Alexander
calligraphic and flamboyant effect. Rose Kerr in Song Dynasty 典藏,載於 Andre Leth,《Catalogue of Selected
Ceramics, London, 2004, p. 34, notes that the splashes found Objects of Chinese Art in the Museum of Decorative
on Junyao wares were made with the application of copper in Art》,哥本哈根,1959年,圖版80,售於倫敦蘇富比
broad brush strokes or washes over dry bluish glazes, which 1931年5月6日,編號139。另一例先後兩次售於紐約蘇
then merged when fired. While splashed Junyao wares are a 富比,分別於1993年11月29日,編號235,及2011年3
characteristic product of the Junyao kilns in Henan province, it 月23日,編號549。第三例,展於《Exhibition of Sung
is rare to find a vase of this form with such exquisite magenta Dynasty Wares. Chun and Brown Glazes》,東方陶瓷
colouring. 學會,倫敦,1952年,編號21,後售於紐約蘇富比1986
Vases of this type are also known potted without handles: a 尺寸較大,刊於《中國陶瓷全集》,卷10,上海,2000
slightly larger vase from the Alexander Collection, illustrated in 年,圖版204,同書並載1972年北京出土一元代例,圖版
Andre Leth, Catalogue of Selected Objects of Chinese Art in the 205。
Museum of Decorative Art, Copenhagen, 1959, pl. 80, was sold
in our London rooms, 6th May 1931, lot 139; another was sold
twice in our New York rooms, 29th November 1993, lot 235,
and 23rd March 2011, lot 549; a third, included in the Oriental
Ceramic Society Exhibition of Sung Dynasty Wares. Chun and
Brown Glazes, London, 1952, cat. no. 21, was sold in our New
York rooms, 4th June 1986, lot 47. A larger example with
applied decoration was unearthed from a Yuan site in Inner
Mongolia, and illustrated in The Complete Works of Chinese
Ceramics, vol. 10, Shanghai, 2000, pl. 204, together with
another Yuan example excavated in Beijing in 1972, pl. 205.