Page 56 - Chinese Art From Two American Collections, April 5, 2017 Hong Kong
P. 56


A FINE AND VERY RARE YELLOW-                            As one of the five colours derived from the           此盃黃釉色澤盈潤。黃釉者,宮廷尊用,尤適
GLAZED CUP                                              Five Elements (wuxing), yellow surpassed the          小巧精妙之器。淺單色釉器,觀之形簡色單,
MARK AND PERIOD OF JIAJING                              other imperial colours of reddish-black (xuan)        實則燒製技巧要求極高,於各類器中屬最難一
                                                        and purple (zi) to become the emblem of the           類,須取純土,施精工,胎、釉、火必嫻熟,
finely and delicately potted with a bell-shaped         emperor. It was thought that the emperor was          佳器方成,如有微瑕,前功盡棄。
body with deep rounded sides rising steeply             located in the centre of the five directions and
and flaring at the rim, all supported on a slightly     the centre was represented by the earth element       黃色屬五行一色,位列宮廷色系之首,優於
tapered foot, evenly applied overall with a             and the colour yellow. This ‘imperial yellow’ glaze   赤、玄、紫。黃色為土,五行之土對應中央,
translucent pale yellow glaze, including the base,      was produced at the imperial kilns in Jingdezhen      與帝居五方之中相附。有明一朝,景德鎮御窰
draining at the rim and pooling to a warm egg-          throughout the Ming dynasty, and was achieved         廠在唐代鉛黃釉之基礎上加以改良,以3.5%
yolk tone around the foot, the base inscribed in        by adding ferric oxide (3.5 %) to the lead silicate   氧化鐵注入原有硅酸鉛釉,延製黃釉器不絕。
underglaze blue with a six-character reign mark         base, making this glaze a direct descendant of
within a circle                                         the yellow lead glazes of the Tang dynasty.
8.2 cm, 3¼ in.
                                                        Cups of this distinctive deep flared shape are a      本品造形屬明嘉靖時期之創新,常見尺寸較
PROVENANCE                                              Jiajing innovation and more commonly known            本器略大。大維德爵士舊藏一例,現藏於倫
                                                        in slightly larger proportions; for example, see      敦大英博物館,錄於《Illustrated Catalogue
Collection of Samuel C. Davis (1871-1940), Saint        a cup from the Sir Percival David Collection          of Ming and Qing Monochrome Wares in the
Louis, Missouri.                                        and now in the British Museum, London,                Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art》
Estate of Samuel Davis Weaver (1940-2013).              included in Illustrated Catalogue of Ming and         ,倫敦,1989年,編號A 595。另一例曾為
The Greenwich Collecton, Connecticut, and               Qing Monochrome Wares in the Percival David           B.Z. Seligman 夫人及 Alfred Aykroyd 爵士遞
thence by descent.                                      Foundation of Chinese Art, London, 1989, no.          藏,先後售於倫敦蘇富比1966年5月15日,編
J.J. Lally & Co., New York.                             A 595; one from the collections of Mrs B.Z.           號36,以及倫敦佳士得2004年6月7日,編號
                                                        Seligman and Sir Alfred Aykroyd, sold in our          281。Hall 家族收藏一相類盃例,先後售於倫
HK$ 2,000,000-3,000,000                                 London rooms, 15th May 1966, lot 36, and              敦蘇富比1966年7月26日,編號68,以及香港
US$ 258,000-387,000                                     at Christie’s London, 7th June 2004, lot 281;         蘇富比2000年5月2日,編號506。玫茵堂也
                                                        another sold in our London rooms, 26th July           收藏一對相類作例,售於香港蘇富比2011年4
明嘉靖 黄釉撇口盃                                               1966, lot 68, and in these rooms, 2nd May 2000,       月7日,編號62。還有對例,曾入仇焱之及趙
          《大明嘉靖年製》款                                     lot 506 from the Hall Family Collection; and          從衍舊藏,兩度售於香港蘇富比1981年5月19
                                                        two pairs sold in these rooms, the first from the     日,編號452,及1986年11月18日,編號68
來源:                                                     collections of Edward T. Chow and T.Y. Chao,          。倫敦大英博物館還藏一尺寸相類但器形較淺
Samuel C. Davis(1871-1940年)收藏,密                         19th May 1981, lot 452, and 18th November 1986,       之例,載於霍吉淑《大英博物館藏中國明代陶
蘇里州聖路易斯市                                                lot 68, and the second, from the Meiyintang           瓷》,倫敦,2001年,圖版9:73。
Samuel Davis Weaver(1940-2013年)承產                       Collection, 7th April 2011, lot 62. Compare also
Greenwich 收藏,康涅狄格,此後家族傳承                                a cup of similar size but slightly shallower, in the  此類盃亦見施有其他單色釉及飾以青花之
J.J. Lally & Co.,紐約                                     British Museum, London, illustrated in Jessica        例,見 Hall 家族收藏一藍釉盃及一件尺寸較
                                                        Harrison-Hall, Ming Ceramics in the British           小之白釉盃,同於2000年5月2日香港蘇富比
This cup is striking for the luminous tone of its       Museum, London, 2001, pl. 9:73.                       售出,編號分別為510及509。另可參考一對
rich yellow glaze, a colour reserved for wares                                                                青花三羊啟泰盃,展於《爐火純青:嘉靖及
for the imperial court, and remarkable for              Cups of this type are also known covered in           萬曆官窰瓷器》,香港大學美術博物館,香
its fine, delicate potting. Deceptively simple,         other monochrome glazes, as well as painted in        港,2009年,編號12。
monochrome porcelains required extreme                  underglaze blue; see for example a blue-glazed
precision in the potting, skill in glazing and firing,  cup and a slightly smaller white-glazed example       Samuel C. Davis,1893年畢業於哈佛大學,
and light-coloured glazes such as this yellow           from the Hall Family Collection, sold in these        二十世紀初隨盧芹齋收藏中國瓷器。身後家人
depended on the highest level of purity of the          rooms, 2nd May 2000, lots 510 and 509; and a          將其中逾二百器中國瓷器惠贈聖路易士藝術博
clay. Due to the minimalist nature of such pieces,      pair of cups painted with rams in underglaze blue,    物館,另百多件捐予哈佛大學,餘下保留作
where form and glaze work together in perfect           included in the exhibition The Fame of Flame.         家族傳承。
harmony, the slightest irregularity would result in     Imperial Wares of the Jiajing and Wanli Periods,
their rejection and destruction.                        Art Gallery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
                                                        Hong Kong, 2009, cat. no. 12.

                                                        Samuel C. Davis graduated from Harvard
                                                        University in 1893 and began collecting Chinese
                                                        ceramics early in the 20th century, guided by
                                                        C.T. Loo. More than 200 selected pieces of
                                                        Chinese porcelain from the Samuel C. Davis
                                                        Collection were bequeathed to the Saint Louis
                                                        Museum of Art, over 100 Chinese ceramics from
                                                        the collection were given to Harvard, and many
                                                        Chinese porcelains were kept by his family.


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