Page 79 - Chinese Art From Two American Collections, April 5, 2017 Hong Kong
P. 79
This vase is extremely rare for its design rendered in copper 此瓶暗劃水波,繪釉裏紅龍紋,極為罕見,僅有一相似
red and only one other closely related example appears to 例見諸出版,為 Mary Clark Thompson 夫人舊藏,現藏
have been published, in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New 紐約大都會藝術博物館,錄於《Oriental Ceramics. The
York, from the collection of Mary Clark Thompson, illustrated World’s Great Collections》,卷11,東京,1982年,圖
in Oriental Ceramics. The World’s Great Collections, vol. 11, 版118,同書錄有 Friedsam 舊藏雍正瓶例,然其卷雲海
Tokyo, 1982, pl. 118, together with a Yongzheng version of this 水並非刻劃,卻飾以釉裏紅,圖版36。
design, where the waves and scrolling clouds are not carved
but also painted in copper red, col. pl. 30, from the Friedsam 此類龍紋瓶亦見粉青釉例,瓶身刻雲龍紋,北京故宮藏兩
Collection. 例,載於《故宮博物院藏清代御窰瓷器》,北京,2005
Vases of this type were also produced covered in a celadon 博物館藏一例,刊於 S.W. Bushell,《Oriental Ceramic
glaze, and with the overall design of dragon and clouds carved Art Illustrated by Examples from the Collection of W.T.
onto the body; see two such examples in the Palace Museum, Walters》,倫敦,1981年,彩圖版VII。香港徐氏藝術館
Beijing, illustrated in Gugong Bowuyuan cang Qingdai yuyao 亦藏一例,售於香港佳士得1996年11月3日,編號566。
ciqi [Qing porcelains from the Imperial kilns preserved in the 第五例則售於紐約蘇富比2014年9月16/17日,編號156。
Palace Museum], Beijing, 2005, vol. I, book 1, pls 112 and 113;
one in the Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, published in S.W. 劉源(約1638-85年)曾於康熙年間奉命為景德鎮御窰廠
Bushell, Oriental Ceramic Art Illustrated by Examples from the 設計瓷樣,尤善畫龍,此瓶或為劉氏任督陶官時所製。林
Collection of W.T. Walters, London, [1896] 1981, col. pl. VII; 業強教授曾指出劉氏於康熙御瓷紋樣設計之重要貢獻,提
another, from the Tsui Museum of Art, Hong Kong, sold at 出與此瓶相類之卷雲或海水騰龍紋乃劉氏獨創。林氏續
Christie’s Hong Kong, 3rd November 1996, lot 566; and a fifth 指,各類豇豆紅釉瓷器亦為此時期所製,三弦瓶,又稱「
example sold in our New York rooms, 16th/17th September 萊菔瓶」,即為此時首創器形之一。
2014, lot 156.
Vases of this form and design are likely to have been produced 《故宮珍藏康雍乾瓷器圖錄》,香港,1989年,頁137
during the period when the artist Liu Yuan (c. 1638-c. 1685) ,圖版120。玫茵堂亦藏一例,屬一組八件豇豆紅釉文
created designs for the imperial kilns. In his research on 房之一,載於康蕊君,《玫茵堂中國陶瓷》,卷4,倫
Qing imperial porcelain, Peter Y.K. Lam has highlighted the 敦,1994-2010年,頁328。
importance of this artist for porcelain decoration of the Kangxi
period, and has shown that the image of a dragon emerging
from clouds or waves, as seen on the present vase, was a
distinctive Liu Yuan design. Furthermore, Lam has convincingly
argued that the various wares with peachbloom glazes were
created during this period early in the Kangxi reign. One of
the few distinctive shapes produced with a peachbloom glaze
is this sanxianping (‘three-string’) or laifuping (‘radish’) vase
form, which was an innovation of the time.
For monochrome Kangxi mark and period peachbloom vases
of this type, see an example in the Palace Museum, Beijing,
published in Kangxi. Yongzheng. Qianlong. Qing Porcelain from
the Palace Museum Collection, Hong Kong, 1989, p. 137, pl.
120; and another, from the Meiyintang Collection, illustrated
as part of a complete group of eight peachbloom wares for
the scholar’s desk, in Regina Krahl, Chinese Ceramics from the
Meiyintang Collection, London, 1994-2010, vol. 4, p. 328.