Page 96 - Chinese Art From Two American Collections, April 5, 2017 Hong Kong
P. 96


A ‘POWDER BLUE’-GLAZED BOTTLE VASE                                   清康熙 灑藍地描金雲鳳紋長頸瓶
finely modelled of harmonious proportion, the spherical body         J. Pierpont Morgan(1837-1913年)收藏,編號1301
rising from a short foot to a tall slender cylindrical neck and      J.J. Lally & Co. ,紐約
gently flared rim, the exterior applied with a rich powder-blue
glaze mottled with attractive blue speckles, with traces of          出版:
pencilled gilt decoration depicting phoenix and clouds to the        Stephen W. Bushell 及 Williman M. Laffan,《Catalogue
globular body and a frieze of Buddhist lions and floral blooms       of the Morgan Collection of Chinese Porcelains》,卷2,
to the shoulder, all below upright plantain lappets encircling       紐約,1907年,圖版CX
the neck
41.9 cm, 16½ in.                                                     此瓶之灑藍釉,或受宣德年間之雪花藍釉啟發,藝匠以竹
PROVENANCE                                                           湛藍之中。除純罩灑藍釉外,也常見有如此瓶所見加綴描
Collection of J. Pierpont Morgan (1837-1913), no. 1301.              金作飾者。
J.J. Lally & Co., New York.
LITERATURE                                                           中有一類瓶錄於《故宮博物院藏品大系.陶瓷編》,卷
Stephen W. Bushell and William M. Laffan, Catalogue of the           23:清順治康熙,北京,2013年,圖錄79。一件於1982
Morgan Collection of Chinese Porcelains, vol. 2, New York,           年12月4日售於紐約佳士得,編號525。另有一件於1986
1907, pl. CX.                                                        年6月8日售於香港佳士得,編號379。第四件類例於1981
HK$ 300,000-400,000                                                  大,淡藍釉開片,錄於《The Freer Gallery of Art》,卷1
US$ 38,700-52,000                                                    :China,華盛頓,1972年, 圖錄129。

Generally referred to as ‘powder blue’, the attractive cobalt
glaze on this piece was probably inspired by the so-called
‘snowflake’ blue glaze found on wares of the Xuande reign. The
mottled effect was produced by blowing cobalt through a piece
of bamboo with a gauze over the end. Wares covered in this
glaze were either left undecorated or were painted in gilt over
the glaze, as seen on this piece.

Numerous powder-blue vases of the Kangxi period with traces
of gilding are in the Palace Museum, Beijing, including a vase
of similar form illustrated in Compendium of Collections in
the Palace Museum. Ceramics, vol. 23, Shunzhi and Kangxi
Periods of Qing Dynasty (III), Beijing, 2013, pl. 79; one sold at
Christie’s New York, 4th December 1982, lot 525; another sold
at Christie’s Hong Kong, 8th June 1986, lot 379; and a fourth
vase sold at Christie’s London, 16th November 1981, lot 10. See
also a vase of similar form but slightly larger in size, covered
in a crackled light blue glaze, illustrated in The Freer Gallery of
Art. I China, Washington D.C., 1972, pl. 129.

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