Page 24 - Thornton Collection Chiense Ceramics HK Nov 2017
P. 24

2804 Continued                                                          雍正菊瓣盤的型式有兩種,一作四十四瓣,如北京故宮博物院
    The present dish with wider petals is the rarer type among              卷一(下冊),北京,2005年,頁414-415,圖版194號;另一
    chrysanthemum dishes from the Yongzheng period, as most of              類如此盤般作二十四瓣者,數量及釉色皆較少。相同型式的雍
    the other monochrome examples are found with narrower flutes,           正檸黃釉盤包括瑞士鮑爾珍藏一例,見《The Baur Collection》,
    such as the set of twelve dishes in the Palace Museum, Beijing,         第三冊,日內瓦,1972年,圖版A486號;Alsdorf伉儷舊藏一
    each is in a different colour, illustrated in Qingdai yuyao ciqi, vol.  例,於1997年9月23日紐約蘇富比拍賣,拍品306號;以及2000
    1, pt. II, Beijing, 2005, pp. 414-415, no. 194. Other Yongzheng-        年6月6日倫敦佳士得拍賣一例,拍品 384號。另參考同式不同釉
    marked yellow-enamelled dishes in this form include one in the          色的雍正款例子,如一對粉青釉盤,於2012年5月16日香港蘇富
    Baur Collection, illustrated by J. Ayers, The Baur Collection, vol.     比拍賣,拍品170號;及三件白釉盤,一藏玫茵堂,載於《玫茵
    3, Geneva, 1972, no. A486; one from the Collection of James W.          堂中國陶瓷》,倫敦,1994-2010年,第4集(下冊),頁320-
    and Marilynn Alsdorf, sold at Sotheby’s New York, 23 September          321,圖版1781號,一於1991年4月30日香港蘇富比拍賣,拍品
    1997, lot 306; and another sold at Christie’s London, 6 June 2000,      84號,一於2007年10月9日香港蘇富比拍賣,拍品1533號。
    lot 384. Compare, also, other Yongzheng-marked monochrome
    dishes in this form, such as a pair of celadon-glazed dishes sold at
    Sotheby’s London, 16 May 2012, lot 170; and three white-glazed
    examples, one in the Meiyintang collection, illustrated by Regina
    Krahl, Chinese Ceramics from the Meiyintang Collection, London, 1994-
    2010, vol. 4(II), pp. 320-321, no. 1781, and two sold at Sotheby’s
    Hong Kong, 30 April 1991, lot 84, and 9 October 2007, lot 1533,


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