Page 44 - Thornton Collection Chiense Ceramics HK Nov 2017
P. 44

2807 Continued                                                           此器型雖於雍正及乾隆二朝皆有燒製,但多見青花品種,鬥彩
    The present pair of washers appears to be the only marked examples       十八世紀無款的鬥彩洗,其紋飾與此對近乎相同,惟背面紋飾
    known in this form and decorative design. Compare to a pair of           略異,見1991年11月27日紐約佳士得拍賣,拍品413號。造型相
    unmarked washers dated to 18th century, sold at Christie’s New           仿的青花洗可參考:雍正款八吉祥紋例子三件,一件載於
    York, 27 November 1991, lot 413, which are almost identical in           《江西藏瓷全集–清代(上)》,頁148,一對較小(口徑11.2
    design with the exception of a slightly different depiction of petals    公分),於2011年4月8日於香港蘇富比拍賣,拍品3139號;以
    on the underside. This unusual form, resembling a cymbal, is more        及葛沃得舊藏乾隆款海水雲龍紋一對,於2010年12月1日於香港
    often found in blue and white during the Yongzheng and Qianlong          佳士得拍賣,拍品2832號。
    periods. Compare for example, a Yongzheng-marked blue and
    white washer painted with a double-vajra, illustrated in Jiangxi cangci
    quanji – Qingdai, vol. 1, p. 146, and a smaller pair (11.2 cm.) sold
    at Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 8 April 2011, lot 3139; and a pair of
    Qianlong-marked dishes painted with dragons of comparable size
    from the Greenwald Collection, sold at Christie’s Hong Kong,
    1 December 2010, lot 2832.

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