Page 57 - Thornton Collection Chiense Ceramics HK Nov 2017
P. 57

2809 Continued                                                           此對盤通體鬥彩紋飾。盤心雙圈內繪洞石牡丹,一雙蝴蝶於花
While similar examples have been recorded, it is extremely rare to       旁;另一側繪洞石菊花,花開嬌豔,紫菀陪伴在側,兩隻蝴蝶
find dishes in the current pattern with superb quality of enamelling     穿梭其中。
and in a pair. It appears that only one other pair of dishes in this
pattern has been recorded, which was sold at China Guardian,             此對盤造型規整,胎體輕薄,潔淨細緻,青花發色淡雅,各款
4 November 2005, lot 393. For other single dishes bearing this           釉彩呈色清麗。紋飾寓意吉祥,牡丹菊花象徵富貴壽考。雍正
design, see one included in Chogoku kotoji ten, Exhibition of Old        皇帝雅好花道,對菊花情有獨鍾,除了瓷器藝術品上飾菊花
Chinese Porcelain, Hirano Kotoken, Osaka, 1990, illustrated in the       外,更喜歡用菊花造型製器,如菊瓣茶壺、菊瓣盤等,在畫中
Catalogue, no. 65; one from the Woodthorpe Collection, included          也有雍正帝穿漢服扮陶淵明東籬賞菊,可見雍正對菊花喜愛之
in the O. C. S. Exhibition of Enamelled Polychrome Porcelain of the      深。
Manchu Dynasty, London, 1951, is illustrated in the Catalogue, no.
99, and sold at Sotheby’s London, 6 April 1954, lot 105; one from        近似例雖經著錄,但成對者極少。本拍品成雙成對,而且無
the Aykroyd collection, sold at Sotheby’s London, 17 May 1966, lot       論畫意、釉彩及品相皆臻完美,實屬難得。近似例可參考:
229; and two sold at Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 26 October 1993, lot           一例載於《中國古陶磁展》,大阪,平野古陶軒,1990年,圖
154, and 11 April 2008, lot 2970, respectively.                          版65號;Woodthorpe舊藏一例,載於倫敦東方陶瓷學會展覽
                                                                         《Exhibition of Enamelled Polychrome Porcelain of the Manchu
Compare also with several examples executed entirely in underglaze       Dynasty》, 倫敦,1951年,圖錄圖版99號,其後於1954年4月6
blue such as the pair included in the exhibition catalogue of            日於倫敦蘇富比拍賣,拍品105號;Aykroyd舊藏一例,於1966
Chingtechen Porcelain for the Ming and Ch’ing Dynasties from the         年5月17日於倫敦蘇富比拍賣,拍品229;二例於香港蘇富比拍
Collection of the T.Y. Chao Family Foundation, 1978, Hong Kong,          賣,見1993年10月26日,拍品154號,及2008年4月11日,拍品
1978, no. 86; and sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 28 November 2012,        2970號;一對於嘉德2005年11月4日拍賣,拍品393號
lot 2244 and to the single dish illustrated by S. Jenyns, Later Chinese
Porcelain, London, 1971, pl. LXI, figs. 1 and 2.                         亦可比較相同紋飾的青花例子,如趙從衍舊藏一對,見1978
                                                                         年香港藝術館展覽《Chingtechen Porcelain for the Ming and
The design of the present dish is striking in its combination of         Ch’ing Dynasties from the Collection of the T.Y. Chao Family
the stylised rockwork, skilfully executed in washes of underglaze-       Foundation》,圖版86號,後於2012年11月28日香港佳士得
blue in the manner of monochrome ink painting, with the bright           拍賣,拍品2244號;及一件載於S. Jenyns著《Later Chinese
doucai palette of glossy overglaze enamels. The spaciousness of          Porcelain》,倫敦,1971年,圖版LXI,圖1及2號。
the composition sets the pure white of the porcelain in brilliant
contrast with the painted design. The present example, both in the
high quality of its potting and painted decoration, exemplifies the
restrained and sophisticated aesthetic of the Yongzheng emperor’s

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