Page 72 - Thornton Collection Chiense Ceramics HK Nov 2017
P. 72

2816                      The vase is potted with a pear-shaped body rising to a waisted neck
                              and a flared mouth and supported on a short foot. The body is
    A HENAN RUSSET-PAINTED    decorated in bold brush strokes of iron brown with foliate motifs
    BLACK-GLAZED PEAR-SHAPED  on a dark brownish-black glaze. The base is unglazed.
    VASE, YUHUCHUNPING        12 ¡ in. (30.8 cm.) high

    JIN DYNASTY (1115-1234)   EXHIBITED

    金 河南黑釉鐵鏽花玉壺春瓶             San Antonio Museum of Art, San Antonio, Texas, 1984-
    US$11,000-15,000          展覽

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