Page 47 - SOtheby's Hong Kong Hawthorne Collection Scholar's Art May 2018
P. 47


           A CARVED ZITAN ‘JADE RABBIT’     Zitan poem clips of this form, also referred to as   此造型之紫檀活動式臂擱甚為罕見,偶見竹質
           POEM CLIP                        wristrests, are extremely rare, in contrast to their   者,有學者提出此類器或作詩文紙夾之用。
           LATE MING – EARLY QING           more commonly found counterparts in bamboo. A   可比較一相類竹臂擱例,雕一高仕雅憩賞石
           DYNASTY                          similarly constructed bamboo wristrest depicting
                                            a scholar seated amidst rockwork, sold in our   中,售於倫敦蘇富比1976年12月14日,編號
           rendered in the form of craggy and perforated   London rooms, 14th December 1976, lot 234, is   234,現存克利夫蘭藝術博物館,錄於王世襄
           rockwork, hinged at the bottom with a circular   now in the Cleveland Museum of Art, illustrated   及翁萬戈,《中國竹刻圖錄》,華美協進社,
           clip, deftly created so that the clip can be moved   by Wang Shixiang and Wan-go Weng, Bamboo   紐約,1983年,編號4。 再比一相類竹臂擱
           out, the clip carved with the Jade Rabbit using a   Carving of China, China Institute in America, New
           mortar and pestle to create the elixir of longevity   York, 1983, cat. no. 4, where is conjectured that it   例,為普孟斐蒐藏,售於香港蘇富比2015年4
           beneath an osmanthus tree        may have been used as a slip for clipping poems.   月7日,編號3010。
           9.6 cm, 3¾ in.                   See also a bamboo example from the Robert H.
                                            Blumenfield collection, sold in these rooms, 7th   月中的陰影,總教人聯想到中國傳統神話中與
           HK$ 80,000-120,000               April 2015, lot 3010.             嫦娥相伴之玉兔正研磨搗製長生不老藥的場
           US$ 10,200-15,300
                                            Traditionally, the shadows on the moon conjure   景。月有盈缺,周而復始,以此詮釋道教對不
                                            up images of the Jade Rabbit, believed to share   朽、永恆之理解。
           明末清初   紫檀雕玉兔搗藥圖臂擱                his home with Chang’e, the goddess of the moon,
                                            using a mortar and jade pestle to create the
                                            elixir of longevity. The waxing and waning of the
                                            moon and its cyclical rejuvenation led to a Daoist
                                            association with immortality.

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