Page 62 - SOtheby's Hong Kong Hawthorne Collection Scholar's Art May 2018
P. 62


           A FAMILLE-ROSE DOUBLE-GOURD               清乾隆   黃地粉彩纏枝花卉紋葫蘆式齋戒牌
           decorated with a ribbon around the waist, one side painted
           with two panels enclosing the characters zhaijie (abstinence),
           surrounded by a delicate floral scroll against a yellow ground,
           the reverse similarly decorated with the panels reading
           bolgomi karga (‘purity charm [pendant]’) in Manchu script,
           brocade box
           6.7 cm, 2⅝ in.
           HK$ 100,000-150,000
           US$ 12,800-19,200

          The term zhaijie refers to the ceremonial requirement for   「齋戒」指在祭祖、祭天或其他祭祀儀式前清淨身心,節
           abstinence before one worshipped the ancestors, the Heavens   制嗜慾之禮數。大典前三日,便要行齋戒之禮,沐浴淨
           or other deities. The ritual cleansing of the body from within,   身,禁食肉,禁飲酒,禁情慾以及禁五葷。齋戒牌材質多
           which usually lasted for three days, involved abstention from
           meat, intoxicants, intimate relations and the five strong-  樣,常見材料有玉、竹、畫琺瑯及瓷。
           smelling vegetables. Abstinence plaques were made in various
           materials, including jade, bamboo, painted enamel and   可比較兩例相似葫蘆式齋戒牌,其一售於香港蘇富比2008
           Compare two similarly-decorated double-gourd form   約佳士得2011年9月15日,編號1213,近期再度售於紐約
           abstinence plaques, the first sold in these rooms, 8th October   佳士得2017年9月13日,編號145。
           2008, lot 2611, the second, originally from the Rende Zhai
           Collection, sold at Christie’s New York, 15th September 2011,
           lot 1213, and more recently in our New York rooms, 13th
           September 2017, lot 145.

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