Page 100 - 2020 October 8 Pavillion Sale
P. 100


         郭克禮珍藏(拍品 379-405)

         QUEK KIOK LEE –                                                   郭克禮 —

                                                 Mr Quek Kiok Lee (1920-2018)  來自新加坡的郭克禮 (1920-2018),對
                                                 was a Chinese Singaporean who  中國藝術早已結下不解之緣。其對自身
                                                 had a long-term fascination for   藏品莫不悉心研習,細膩解讀。無論是
                                                 Chinese ceramics and works   風格紋飾,斷代依據,甚至是來源品
                                                 of art.  Throughout his long
                                                 collecting career, Mr Quek   相,均收入兩本厚實的收藏記錄當中。
                                                 meticulously recorded every   上千條的眉批腳註,字裏行間無不透露
                                                 single piece in his collection   出這位藏家是如何看待這批縈心半世的
                                                 which included where each  收藏。
                                                 item was purchased, writing
                                                 a detailed description, and   郭世禮的收藏生涯始於上世紀六十年
                                                 noting and supporting his   代,先是偏愛鼻煙壺、進而又再積累
                                                 research on the dating.  All-in-  更多對商周漢唐銅鏡及瓷玉木石竹雕等
                                                 all his decades of enthusiasm  文房清供的濃厚興趣。在好奇心的驅使
                                                 led to the compilation of his   下,他尋根究底,鑽研求索,收藏於其
                                                 handwritten inventory of the   而言,不僅只是把玩,更是親身感受藝
                                                 collection, numbering over a   術與生活的互動。他對女兒如此這般形
                                                 thousand pieces, being passed
                                                 down in two thick volumes.   容自己——熱衷之情,一股念想,每每
                                                 His own records indicated that  全面「重整」。
                                                 he started collecting during the
                                                 1960s, firstly with an interest in  收藏除自娛之外,郭克禮更將其穎悟所
                                                 snuff bottles and then later in  學付諸實踐,公諸於眾。其曾為東南亞
                                                 ceramics, jades, bronze mirrors   陶瓷學會創辦人之一,更於 1994 年被
                                                 of the Shang to the Tang   新加坡國立大學校長邀任大學博物館入
                                                 dynasties, and scholar’s objects
         made of bamboo, and different types of stones.  His research was largely driven by his   藏中國藝術館藏的學術顧問,且長達六
         curiosity for Chinese art where he could wonder, explore, experience, and play with   年之久,其間與館長等人亦成莫逆之
         the objects in his collection.  Mr Quek humorously intimated to his daughter that   交,直待其 2000 年屆退休之齡才卸任
         on occasions when he felt inclined he would hold a ‘cabinet meeting’ to consider   該職。
         how to re-arrange his collection in a ‘cabinet reshuffle’.
                                                                           郭克禮於 2018 年以 98 歲之高齡辭世,
         Undoubtedly, Mr Quek was not collecting purely to amass objects, he also generously  此一收藏可謂融會其畢生精髓,盡顯華
         shared his knowledge and experiences to a wider public audience.  He was one of   風傲骨。加之一眾藏品多於六十年代後
         the founding members of the Southeast Asian Ceramic Society (SEACS), and was   入藏,如此清晰可靠之來源,望能再次
         invited by the Chancellor of Singapore University to assume an appointment as the   為此拍賣掀起高潮,更為這批收藏覓得
         museum’s acquisitions advisor for Chinese antiquities in 1994.  For six years until his
         retirement in 2000, he worked alongside his friends Er Lu and curator Lu Yeow.   良主。

         Mr Quek’s collection remained his pride and joy until his death in 2018 at the age
         of 98.  With illustrious and solid provenances, some dating back to the 1960s, it is
         believed that this collection will bring much excitement to collectors, and indeed for
         the objects to find new appreciative owners.

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